Warbank Costs

Warbands just started this expansion. It is an assumption that you should have enough room to put all the past expansions items in those banks.

Nope. I started out with the assumption I could put all my old profession mats in that bank and one character was able to fill almost 2 tabs. I soon adjusted my assumption based on the amount of space they gave us. Now blizzard could be totally out to lunch about how much stuff there is in the game but I am going to bet they aren’t and the choice of space was deliberate.

It is a convenience and since plenty of people aren’t going to be happy if they made the cost entirely free and then they tried to put all their profession mats and boa gear and other items in there and find out not enough space it makes no difference.

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Oh do you have a source for they are going to keep giving us more bank space for each expansion?

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It’s in the preview Blizzard gave us, I never said anything about more bank space though :slight_smile:


So what exactly was your point then? We all know they intend on this system going forward.

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We have their actual statements. If you’re looking to share reagents to alts, the intended way to be able to do it is through the Warband bank. It’s meant to eliminate the requirement to use guild banks or w/e, and mailing those items across in a piecemeal fashion.

If, 9 months from now, you make an alt and you’re playing around getting Fel Iron ore to be able to make some transmog stuff, you should be able to pool the Fel Iron ore from characters into your Warband bank without the need to be mailing things. That’s the literal purpose of the feature.

There’s no assumption going on there.

The former is simple enough to believe, and has precedence. Even literally just this last expansion, they introduced a bunch of different-tier reagents in Dragonflight, along with a reagent bag, but the reagent bag wasn’t even big enough to store all the new reagents they added on the one character, depending on professions. Hence people have been fiddling about with full bags if they have a shortage of characters, or mailing off 3 versions of items to various characters to use bag space freely.

If you’re trying to dispute that Warbands (and the bank) aren’t there as QoL improvements, you’re flat out contradicting Blizzard’s own previews. I’m not sure what you’re trying to do with this assertion.


Why would people be unhappy if it’s free? Even in the imaginary scenario you outlined, the issue your imaginary person has is with the lack of available space in a system meant to provide space, not the cost associated with it.
The idea that someone would look at a cheaper/free cost to this, and be unhappy and want to pay millions of gold instead, for a long-overdue feature Blizzard should have implemented back in like Warlords, is clearly ridiculous.

As far as resources goes, I would imagine they’ll bandaid additional tabs here and there, but eventually work into something like an evergreen system that simply allocates slots to resources per expansion. A new expansion would simply expand things by adding a section for the new expansion without affecting the previously implemented design.

Think something similar to how GW2 handles resource sharing. Your UI shows a list of filterable resources, and you can deposit/withdraw an amount of that resource and use it on any character.

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Please provide the exact quote because based on what you are saying that isn’t supporting your position.

Again you are ignoring reality - even with all those tabs you won’t be able to fit all reagents in those. And if you use something once in 9 months is it really that hard just to mail stuff over?

You don’t think convenience is a QoL improvement ? Lots of things can be QoL improvement and they all aren’t necessarily a convenience but a convenience is a type of QoL improvement. And just having one tab is a QoL improvement and is also a convenience.

They would still complain “NOT ENOUGH SPACE - I still have to send stuff from my alts”.

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What isn’t supporting what position?

Convenience and QoL are two different concepts, and set different expectations. Blizzard have advertised Warbands (and the Warband bank) as a QoL improvement, not a convenience.

Then fix that space. If you slap a 2 million gold cost on it, you retain the same problem, and you’re now adding a new one (a barrier).


Common on now - you aren’t even pretending to argue honestly here - there is nothing but convenience in being able to share from one bank. You are bringing too many of your own beliefs and expectations to even bother with this.

Not really, with a 2 million price tag people think twice about what they put in those and do a cost assessment and come to the same conclusion I did.

Read what you posted and ask yourself what assumptions you made.

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Not really. For example, you yourself mentioned somewhere that you didn’t drop the gold to buy Tabs 4 and 5 (and that’s on a Beta server where you can have infinite gold). Your “conclusion” is based on an imposed barrier where the cost is a factor, and may be different if your first interaction with the system was just freely having all the tabs available.

I’ve already discussed your conclusion though. It’s a circular logic loop:
“You’ve created a circular loop, where a flawed design leads you to an assumption you have made up despite the design intention being made clear by the designers, but that assumption only exists because of those design flaws, and then you’re using the assumption to argue against fixing the design flaws. It’s absolutely inane, and has no space in any discussion or feedback for an iterative design process.”

Lol @ you claiming this when it’s the linchpin of your entire derailment.

You’re going to have to lay out what you feel convenience is, and what QoL is, and probably a couple of examples.

I’ll bring up a distinction here:
Take the ability to click on a file and delete it. Now, let’s say we’re adding the functionality to select multiple files and delete them in bulk (as opposed to clicking one by one).

If deleting multiple files is a pretty standard workflow for much of your user base, and a requirement to do certain activities, it’s a QoL improvement. As a QoL improvement, it’s a significantly higher priority, important to deliver correctly, important to correct any flaws, etc.

For players with alts, sharing resources is pretty common and expected interaction. Even just going into this prepatch and new expansion, you’re going to sharing stuff from Dragonflight, and as your first character gets in War Within content, you’re gonna be sharing those new resources at the same time as your alts that are still in Dragonflight might use those Dragonflight resources. Even once you have, say, 3 characters at lvl 80, you might be using your lvl 70 characters to unlock or progress Dragonflight stuff that you missed out on, like finishing off achievements. Or even just consolidating resources to make some gear that would end up lasting till max level. And of course, if you’re levelling a new character, which I’m sure thousands of people will be doing, that new character might want access to your older resources even if just as part of speeding up the levelling process; nothing wrong with popping consumables and other stuff that you just happen to have lying around. That could be something happening at exp launch, or something 6 months later when you’re levelling an Earthen. Which hundreds of thousands of people will do because Allied races, rewards, blah blah.

I’ve read what I posted (or at least what you quoted), and I have no idea what you’re trying to communicate. Maybe you should just clearly communicate what >my position< is, that you think isn’t supported. Perhaps it’d be useful if >you< brought anything other than your own inferences to the table if you think something Blizzard have said actually contradicts something I’ve said.


I didn’t say that because I bought all the tabs on beta. I could easily afford to buy all the tabs on live as well but I see that as a waste of gold.

( I am going to have to edit not on my pc now) so can’t read the rest once I am in here.


nope will be doing none of that - I have close to 20 70s now. They all will quit with dragonflight and even if they didn’t, they still have all their own bank and bag space so there would be no need to put stuff in the warbank

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I must have misread then. I’m sure you said something about not buying the last tab or tabs, but maybe what you did say is that you planned not to.

If you’re having trouble with the concept though, let’s rephrase. If you had put in your first character’s items and didn’t go “Woah, I’m filling up a couple of tabs already, I’m running out of space fast”, your idea of a conclusion would be different. And if there wasn’t a millons cost involved, you wouldn’t have immediately concluded that you have fewer tabs of space to work with (since you see them as a “waste of gold”)

It’s fine for you if you personally choose not to do any of that (e.g. sell all your mats, consumables, etc.), but it’s a perfectly normal game behaviour for other players to do that, and the Warband bank is the feature they should be doing that through once Warbands goes live.

THat’s not even counting any stuff that will be available Warbound from any Timerunning characters or w/e that shift into a player’s live collection of characters once that ends.

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That is exactly what happened and I had all the tabs and cost didn’t come into play at all. So I revised my expectations as to what to put in there and came to the conclusion it wasn’t meant for long term storage so all my old stuff stays where it is because it isn’t an issue if I have to send something to character ‘x’ from character ‘y’ once a year, if that.


I’m just going to put this out here…I currently have 47 max level characters in retail, and I’ve levelled 6 more so far in MoP Remix. If you think I can’t fill all 5 tabs with current reagents between all of these, you are mistaken. I also don’t make a ton of gold, so the 3 million required to buy the last 2 tabs is quite steep and out of reach for me. I appreciate everyone’s opinion here, and hope we can remain cordial and open to other people’s opinions. Thanks.


I find myself making this argument a lot lately, but what do you lose if they reduce the costs?

I agree with everyone saying it would be nice if they reduced the costs, but I do also understand if they don’t. I think most understand they might not, but still want to voice that they’d prefer they did.


We lose a gold sink. Theres too much gold out there.

I tried thr Deposit All button and on my main it filled the first tab. It seems to take everything that isn’t soulbound.

I’ll copy some other max level alts and see if currently I would have enough with 3 tabs.

What if they added a 6th Tab instead and made that one 6 million? Some will still complain because they can’t stand being at 5/6 of something.

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Your allways going to get someone complaining that a given but right now the 5 slots are to expensive. If after they made a 6 slot " for those that really want one " it wouldn’t bother me and no i would not pay for it .

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Does that really affect you though? Most that’ve made 3m gold likely won’t have an issue making another 3m, so they’re still going to be in the market. Or if they’ve only barely made 3m, they’re not likely to spend it on inventory space.

I’d love to see numbers that prove me wrong, but I honestly think gold sinks for anything but cosmetics are pointless, and even those probably barely make a dent in the total gold “in circulation”. Even with something like the Brutosaur, how many people bought one that could only barely afford it, versus those that it was almost pocket change for? Honestly curious about all this.


They don’t consider multiple million $ items like the brutosaur to be gold sinks since too few people are targeted.

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Welcome to the F2P monetization mentality, I don’t know why you are crusading against everyone that doesn’t share your opinion, but damn this is how we get more and more things monetized, apathy.


It affects markets and the whole economy? Price of materials, Price of the WoW token. Materials are more expansive for me because of the gold inflation and the rich getting richer.

They monopolize professions early in the expansion with extreme costs and force Blizzard to increase gold prices and gold rewards, driving even more gold into the economy.

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