Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

And people would still ignore it just like they often do crying about maintenance that has been posted there for days.

People are upset that they can’t access their third kind of bank? You guys know you can get the same thrill from your character or guild banks, right?

Then that is a them issue not a Blizzard issue.

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What I find most annoying the radio silence on the issue.


No I can’t.

I can transfer gold from my old bank alt to my current bank alt.
I can’t pull mats from the guild bank while crafting without logging in and out.
I can’t even have a personal guild bank seeing as how I’m in a guild.

So no, the two aren’t comparable.


So they don’t read or watch any sort of WoW news at all? MMO Champion, Wowhead, Twitter, PCgamesN, WowVendor, Warcraft Tavern, Reddit, YouTube, Discords… nothing?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they couldn’t add the “known issues” link to the top of the patch notes, but I don’t see how even asking in game is difficult either.

All it takes is a question…

“So I finished this questline and didn’t get the remote unlock for Warbanks?”

“Yeah, Warbanks are disabled right now.”

“Okay thanks.”


it’s only been half a day, what do you want, “still working on it” every half hour?


For the time being*

And for that time all of these things can be handled the same way they have been handled for 20 years.

now i know how Mushrooms feel.


Yeah… I was going to spend today logging into everyone and pooling all of my gold into the Warbank. Oh well.

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Because you get different answers from different people, half or more of them troll responses, as with when “Visions of Azeroth” is releasing.

If you went to a restaurant and found a bug in your food, would you be asking other customers, or would you be asking to speak to the manager?

The message in game could be clearer honestly

“In use by another character” on the base game vs “temporarily disabled by blizzard” with my addon lol

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This isn’t a comparison that works at all.

The information is out there. If they cannot look for themselves in the multitude of places or ask… then it sounds more prudent to me to say, “Add a link to known issues to the patch notes” than claim “they don’t communicate with us.”

So spend tomorrow doing that? Or this evening?

Having to treat the game as we have for two decades for another 24 hours isn’t the end of the world.

I’d be asking the person who served it because I’m not a Karen.


Do you also eat the nits when you pick them?

My husband and I logged in this morning and did not know it was disabled. You really should not have to check all of those things before you log in to in order to get information about the game. We just figured it was a bug or something so no sweat but having a little something saying that a pretty main feature of Warbands is down would be nice.

The warbank was one of the main things, cross realm guilds was the other, that I was looking forward to. So this is a bummer, not the end of the world but still disappointing.


Uh. If you find a bug in your food then going to management isn’t actually a Karen moment.

Now if the lasagna you ordered didn’t come with quite enough parmesan applied, that would be a Karen moment.


As many things as there broken that’s what you’re obsessing about. :rofl:

What are you even on about? Where did I ever say it was the end of the world or that I was somehow incensed by it? I just replied to Boredumb to echo what I had as a plan that now fell through. I never once claimed whatever drivel you tossed out.