Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

That’s why I said:

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honestly i’d probably just eat it, free protein

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There seem to be a lot of those right now.

People complaining about Warband banks being disabled? I mean it’s become the topic of the thread. Not hard to follow along.

Yea, sure, that would be nice. :clown_face:

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A manager isn’t required to get a replacement when a fly ends up in your soup on the way from the kitchen to your table. It’s a needless escalation.

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I’m not complaining. So don’t reply to me next time.

Everybody just needs to take a chill pill and RELAX. The WoW devs are most likely working overtime just to get this launch right.

There is SO much that goes into the coding of the game to allow for full conversions of all your characters into one shared system. We should be grateful that they nailed it and haven’t run into any problems on the technical side!

As far as the war band banks go, yeah it’s disappointing but wouldn’t you rather they get it RIGHT instead of releasing it with major game breaking bugs?

They DO care about the community, that’s why they aren’t releasing shoddy work.

If it takes a while to correctly implement it, who cares? In 9 months nobody’s going to remember this hiccup because they WILL have gotten it right immediately. Nobody’s going to be like “AWW REMEMBER WHEN PRE PATCH LAUNCHED? IT TOOK TWO DAYS TO GET THE WARBANKS WORKING!!”

Just take a deep breath, relax, and like, have a stick of gum. Or something. They are working their butts off to make it perfect FOR YOU.

Please refrain from bashing Blizzard in your posts, it’s toxic culture and accomplishes nothing other than spreading hate.


I’ll reply to who I want to. Go have this power trip elsewhere.


The one feature in the pre-patch that I actually am interested in as a paying customer? Yes. I don’t care about warbands, warbanking, dragonriding becoming skyriding, or a myriad of the other things happening between now and TWW.

But if you don’t like my example, there are, in your own words “many things” you could substitute in its place.

It’s one questline that will be available next week.

Are you an ant with high hopes? People don’t even read the in-game chat in the chat box and you expect them to go to a webpage to… read? Silly you.

Barrens chat comes to mind. Also, the fact that I spent 10 minutes last night repeating the same thing over and over, “Bliz has posted that the warbanks are not working”. Because reading what was just posted 30 seconds ago is hard, evidently.

I’m not the one making stuff up like you did in your reply to me. If you can’t discern the difference between a chat with someone and a person complaining or incensed, then I’d suggest staying out of things.

Good day.

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At least you’re being helpful! lol


The fact that they didn’t adequately communicate that until the trailer release for it yesterday is bad communication. It caused needless and avoidable confusion and frustration among their customers. Not a winning business model.

What does you power tripping over who can reply to you have to do with this?

Keep me on ignore next time. Please.

Not even bothering with that until the warbanks are fixed

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I mean, maybe I missed it, but Id just like an actual clue of how long Im going to have to wait. Ive been farming mog with the new system being out and since I dont have the extra space to put it in Im just pooling all the random useful stuff Im picking up in an alts mailbox.

Are they actively working on it atm? Or is this a “we’ll get to it with the next reset” kind of thing? Because Id imagine in order to fix it the game will have to go down and I dont see anything about maintenance on the launcher, or even restarts. They just going to try to fix all this while they are shoving the event though next week?

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Why not store it all in banks incase the mail gets wiped? That way when the warband is properly implemented, you get the transmogs despite the class/character.

Fair enough. I just find the “muh plans were ruined” to be as inane as any of the maintenance complaints from yesterday.

It’s just funny that now that these particular people want something right now that there is finally a problem. :smiley:

Spent a solid 12 hours mocking every complaint yesterday and now they expect empathy. lmao

It’s safe to assume that the answer is yes. It’s a fairly big feature (as sad as that is to say) so it’s a priority for them.

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