Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

Dont hold your breath waiting for updates. Blizzard has not been about the customer experience in a long long while. Its about how many pets they can sell and how much that adds to the management bonuses. Company is now run by accountants and marketing people, not developers that lovd the game as it once was.


What I really don’t understand about disabling the warbanks feature is that they left the quest line to access it in, which just caused confusion and even more frustration for people.

I didn’t care about this feature, but it’s just another hit on the bad implementation of this update and the awful communication from Blizzard about these sorts of things.


Except you don’t even get to transfer the useful currencies like crest and flightstones

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The questline works fine. The Warbank does not.

How is it awful communication when they posted this the moment the servers went up, it’s on Twitter, Wowhead and probably every other major website?

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TBF that’s not a questline to access it, that’s just get the remote access


The quest line culminates with gaining the ability to use a feature that doesn’t work. My question is: why not disable the quest line if you’re going to disable the feature?


which we’ve know about for months

Their intent isn’t to give you the ability to just use one character for progression and feed your alts, not fully

Have they fixed it yet?

Fair. Like I said, I didn’t care about this feature, honestly.

Because they wanted the servers back up and weren’t wasting time to go through the coding to disable a questline that isn’t even for the bank itself, but remote access to it.

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eases congestion in the quest honestly, lot of people will be like “warbanks don’t work yet, why bother”

others will be like “might as well get it done anyway”

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And my point remains: that decision caused needless and avoidable confusion and frustration among their customers. Not a winning strategy.

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Might want to add missing currency’s to that list. People are reporting LOSING the currency after transferring.


Because there’s no reason to since the quests work fine. They need to work on actual issues not waste time on something that works.


I don’t know anyone who had this issue. Because everyone I know already knew Warbanks were disabled, because it was posted everywhere.

I’d rather they got the servers up instead of wasting another four hours to find and disable a questline.


Imagine Blizzard posting things like this in their actual Bnet launcher, instead of living under a false assumption that everyone follows their Twitter or forums.

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Some currencies come at a loss when transferring to another character.


You have no point except apparently arguing. They told people the Warbank was disabled that is all that was needed. :person_facepalming: :rofl:

Nope, and also can’t take large amounts of gold out of the guild bank. Another bug.

Heliocentrism exists. I know plenty of people who don’t come near these forums for those kinds of updates because this is a hive of trolls and toxicity unlike any I’ve ever been in.