Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

que the “Daddy chill”… Yall need to calm down. Its the rollout of warbands and warband banks. So there were some issues that they are working on to make everything work without breaking the game. PTR doesn’t solve everything for going live. Act like a bunch of spoiled kids sheesh. Maybe Blizzard should hire a GM specific to all of you to replace your mommy?

Yeah. Anyone who has had a system administration job long enough has a horror story about some upgrade that went horribly wrong, and while you work a few (or a lot of) hours overtime to try and fix it … at some point, if your leadership has any brains, they say “everyone’s exhausted, we just have to live with it for the night, make sure it’s not going to catch completely on fire, and then go home and get some sleep and be here bright and early.”

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what do you mean? Warband bank was a major selling point for this expansion/pre-expansion that should of been one of the major points of testing in PTR. of course there will be errors but to down something that was a key selling points of “HEY IT TIME TO COME BACK BECAUSE WE HAVE THIS FEATURE! and more!” for this long is kind of nutty. It’s like buying a car but it doesn’t have working A/C, it annoying but the car still runs. Not understanding the high ground you’re taking. It’s more of annoyance that something that was advertised to release today (I major selling point) be disabled.


Go play another game, nobody needs your snide comments. But I bet you are perfect and never F up. Try joining the rest of Society and be productive.



Man I really wish that other character of mine would get out of the bank already :rofl:


where do we need to go nowadays to get updates on this? twitter?


Na dude its more like when you buy the first driverless car and the car has to go back for updates because 1 in a million hit a tree. Ever try thinking or is it just see how brilliantly you can narrow in on your one perspective?

Not even.
The most communication we’ve been getting (which has been sparse) on this subject is through Blue Posts.

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Yes, and that is the real problem. All issues or more specifically the stress on the community is exacerbated when they receive little or no communication about the game they are so passionate about. We need to be asking for better discourse between Blizzard and players. It is too quiet at times and it would make a lot more people comfortable if Blizz issued a statement hourly even if it was generally the same things being said.


Remember when they did a similar thing a while back with cross server mail. it was announced with a patch, immediately disabled. There was a red message for a couple weeks that said they were working on it, and then it just disappeared, and they have never mentioned it again. This is looking like the same thing. I have zero faith they will be able to implement this.


maintenance and… still no warband bank.


Was NEVER announced people just assumed it would be possible because of cross-realm trading. They assumed wrong.

Nope…still disabled…


Please keep a banner up on the Login screen noting Warband Bank is disabled until it is fixed.


Its called Waitbank now…hehe


I just want an update from Blizz letting us know there trying to fix it be up by this time.


don’t forget they respect our time.


Something something if you are involved in the technical end of software development and deployment for a massively multiplayer online application with a multitude of server instances in the real world, where corporate bosses are constantly trying to cut headcount, you have a right to comment. Otherwise, Mr. Dormouse, please crawl back into the teapot.

I guess you’d prefer if something that had been working in internal testing suddenly failed to work as expected on go-live day, they’d just released it as is — in the absence of a time machine, that is.