Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

Actually everything else isn’t working great. Ret is missing a bunch of talents in their tree, the weekly Last Hurrah quest defaults to Zaralek Caverns (even if you can get the window to stay open long enough to try to select 1 of the other 2 options), many Achievements have lost progress or completely reset, Skyriding isn’t working on many mounts (even DF Dragonflying mounts), raid mobs aren’t landing when they should so melee can’t even hit them and probably a number of other problems I haven’t seen yet. All in all a pretty typical Blizzard launch/prelaunch patch which is totally fubar’d. Was really hoping this time would have minimal issues but no such luck.


Except some of us would much prefer to have at least 1 steady flying mount to switch to without having to dig in our mount journal, cast the spell (or dragging that to an action bar) and then being able to steady fly. Would much prefer being able to select flying style per mount, or even just a couple of mounts. Real pita for gathering druids, steady flight for flight form is much preferred over Skyriding.


Look, I know ya’ll are chompin’ at the bit to get into the warband bank, and it can feel like a big letdown when a big feature has to be taken offline for a fix. I hear you. I am sad I don’t get to dive into this feature myself.

It takes a MASSIVE undertaking to not only launch big sweeping changes of this nature, but to do so worldwide, and maintain overall server stability.

So I will gladly wait while they fix whatever went wonky, because that likely means the rest of the game can function better in the meantime. I rather have a feature taken offline to fix, vs the feature remaining active but causing all sorts of bugs.

Image the ABSOLUTE disaster that would be? Like no thanks, I will keep my goodies and gold safe til its back online and working.

The sky is not falling, this pre-patch has been much smoother than other things in the past.


It is drag-able to your action bar, thus no digging solution given.

Any major pre-patch/expansion launch will have some issues. I take it you have been in the testing realms, yourself, and reporting bugs so that they don’t come up when a patch goes live? If not, you shouldn’t complain. Not to mention, if you watched any of the interviews the devs did, they talk about what a massive undertaking the warband system is - they’re overhauling the fundamental infrastructure of a game that’s older than most of Gen Z, and making systems do things they were never intended to do - the fact that maintenance was a bit longer, and the only major issue was ‘you can’t use warband banks for a night’? That’s a big win!

This is a GREAT sign of things to come - minimal errors/bugs in a full system overhaul - it would be like having to replace the entire foundation of a house without tearing down/moving the house at all. It’s a gargantuan undertaking - but people who know nothing about coding love to talk out of their cheeks, from that little hole in-between them.


Yeah, the ability was literally already put on my hotbars when I logged in, lmao! This person is high or something - just put the ability on a bar somewhere and toggle at will. People will find the most menial things to complain about.

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Still…in the dark about what happened to it but…okay hoping it’s fixed and I get to make use of it sometime soon

Hopefully it gets added soon!

Hopefully your lowering cost and adding more tabs


That would be nice for those that like the feature.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I hope it gets fixed soon, take the time you need to get it done properly and thank you for not putting it out there not working.


Just waiting for the low info population to see the cost. More fun forum times will ensue!


They put it out, it’s not working. You can go do the quest and the tab is there in your bank…

cant these companies cant be paying overtime. they got shareholders to shower with ferraris.

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Maybe they designed it in a way that we load everyone’s warbanks in addition to our own and it’s putting too much stress on the server, so they disabled it for now? :thinking:

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does Guild Wars or FF14 ever have these sort of problems?

Guild Wars, idk.
FFXIV has previously, but not in a while. However, their average patch time, especially on large updates to important core things like the UI is waaaay longer than 12hrs. 48hrs for Dawntrail, which was just an expansion launch, with no core system changes.

Edit: Just want to add in, I’m not ragging on FFXIV, love the game. Just has really long down-time for patches.

TWW… already starting to look like another crap show. Like cant even get pre-patch right. Its sad that a these new small companies are doing better job than a multi dollar company.


Any hope of getting to play with this feature today?

first major pre-patch *from Blizzard huh?

There, I fixed it for you. Just because Blizzard is inept doesnt mean you shouldnt expect better. Other companies seemingly can do that which Blizzard is incapable, dont give Blizzard a pass.