Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

Right? I need this feature to purge my alts.

Among other things.

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There is a few critical issues :rofl: almost like people said things during beta.

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what does it matter? you’ve got 500 + players fighting over the same mobs to unlock warbands - stupidest thing i’ve ever seen, making a kill quest on launch day for a major feature! logged out and unsubbed.


To be honest I cancelled my sub as well. I had enough of the trolling from Blizz.

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There are a lot of custom groups doing it. Just join one and you’ll be done in seconds.

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It doesn’t unlock warbands, or the warband bank. It just gets you the remote access spell. I would just wait a bit, or jump around hitting arcane explosion until you get it! Didn’t take me too long as an Evoker.

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or just wait until later pre patch main event doesnt start until next week anyway

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Why would you take away features from Dragonflight. In Dragonflight you could jump on a steady flight mount for short distances and dragonriding for longer flights. You cannot do that now. All of your flying mounts have to be all the same type of flying. Do you folks actually have training classes on how to make stuff more ridiculous? You had a good thing but you cannot be happy with that. You just cannot help yourselves but to blow stuff up and make it suck. If you had made the change flying style be tied to each mount instead of all mounts it would have been cool. Otherwise you should have left well enough alone.


It’s not to unlock warbands, warbands are always enabled now. All of your characters are in your warband. This questline merely gives you an ability to summon your warband bank (also accessible via a normal bank in any major city), but the warband bank is currently disabled due to some kind of bug so it does nothing for now.

yep this is all it does gives the spell for all toons to use anywhere vs having to go to the bank

You don’t need to kill mobs to unlock Warbands, logging in you have your Warband. Your killing mobs to get a ability that lets you access your Warband Bank away from a normal bank.


LOL well well the big thing for next expansion TWW is broke or not working…


this is the feature I wanted most…


What’s the fun in that?

Be one with the chaos. That’s why I play in Moon Guard. :slight_smile:

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Top feature of prepatch and a major feature of TWW…instantly disabled and no time frame for and fix given. Good job, devs.

It’s only on the radar because people duped items/currencies. Gotta take care of those important issues first!


Wizloc pull up your mounts menu look at the very top of it there is a button called switch flight styles… it’s a 5 second cast you do that and you can Steady Fly as opposed to dragonride, will work in all previous expansions to Dragonflight.


And I for one am find with that. Let them go home, eat, rest, relax and go back at it in the morning with rested eyes and fresh perspective. This way they are more likely to solve the issue and less likely to break anything else as they work.


IKR, thats the one thing i wanted to do

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Is that from an offical source? It would explain why we cannot have nice things. The game economy can handle the occasional dupe being created by a glitch. However if people deliberatly evoke said glitch in order to create dupes then we have a problem.

You really think they were listening to the people complaining? They said peace out only for the reason not to have to pay them OT or wanted them back to work on time rested to fix this crap show of a patch.

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