Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

Y’all could have just released all of this on the 30th because today was pointless :rofl:


LMAO, you got a little something on your nose


I guess on that note, it is time for bed. Really the only feature I was looking forward to. Hopefully it is fixed soon.

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Fix scaling please! NOW!!!


It will never cease to amaze me how they allow things like this to go live. Screwing up the one feature people were wanting to mess with. I wish I didn’t get TWW as a gift. I’d refund it without a second thought. Can’t refund a gift though, otherwise I would do so and give my friend back his money for it


Shows the ineptitude of the devs. Always rushing things and never taking there time. Always half baking things. Yeah people are a bit ticked.

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Ok, knowing this saves me the trouble of trying to figure out what I have been doing wrong. Speaking of that maybe it would be good to have an ingame announcement of thease things. Perhaps an icon that appear similar to the “you got mail” icon? This could also be used as a server restart reminder. Currently we got 15 minutes warning but a, lets say “Scheduled server restart in xx hours” message could appear here complete with a countdown. That sort of thing.


Is this why I didn’t get the toy, although I completed the quest chain in Gadgetzan?

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hey least the currency xfer is working which now i can go get my barter boss title

Same here. I hope that when everything is fixed we get the toy. It’s supposed to lock out the rest of your characters from the quest when 1 completes it.

If you mean the “Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor”, it isn’t a toy anymore, it’s a spell in your general tab.


Thanks, I’ll take a look.

The irony!


So… I logged in at 20:55 and my conversion is still running at 22:10 (feasible - I have 63 characters) - but is it attempting to build my warbank now? i.e. Should I logout and try again?

No, the warbank is a different system, like guild banks.

A guild bank is not active / doesn´t have things stored, until you act on your own by creating it. The warbank is not created until you do the quest at Tanaris, but that is disabled right now due a critical error.

What the pre calculation is doing, is just adding all your chars, transmogs… to the warband system (making those account wide). If you have a lot of stuff on your char bank, void storage, lots of alts then I guess this can take a while.

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No, your Warbank is temporarily disabled, it’ll tell you that it’s being used elsewhere if you try to open it, but you can login and use the other functions, you can even do the quests to unlock it.


Putting all the Warband stuff together is a massive undertaking and so far everything else is working great. Good luck with the bank side! :slight_smile:


I’m a bit excited to test the warband bank feature but everything else so far has been a bit meh.

Do I need to log in every single character I have for… anything special, or is everything fine as is?


first major pre-patch huh?

you’ll be ok.


Nah couldn’t be