Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

Self entitled has nothing to do with it. People need to do what they say they are going to do otherwise they are lying. People need to be skilled enough in their jobs to be able to make a prediction when things will be available and preferably not have them break in the first place. And I really don’t care what your advice is. If I want it I’ll ask.


No. Currencies have zero to do with the Warbank whatsoever.

The only part of Warbands working at the moment is the character selection screen.

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No. The Warband bank is shareable (when its finally working) and has 5 or 6 tabs.

It worked on Beta and the PTR.

Ok so the simple answer is just because something works in PTR does not mean it will work the SAME on live servers. If someone could have predicted they would have had an issue with it, that person wouldn’t be working for Blizzard as they’d be making millions a week being a mind reader anywhere else. I am sure there is no one more annoyed at this entire thing than the WoW staff themselves this includes Mr. Chris Metzen himself. Further more if they had an ETA I’m sure it would have already been posted. The odds of free wow time is slim to none at any given point, but maybe just maybe someone will conjure up some sort of pet or something.

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Im just saying it cant be permanently if it worked in “other versions” of the game.

And the transmog changes
and the currency exchange
and the warband reps

All of which are buggy and do not work consistently.

A mini safe that yells, “Sorry your bank is being used by another Character!”

i’ve had zero issues with any of them

Congrats. You’re one of the lucky ones. Which a brief look at the forums would show you.


Aww someones cranky, is it time to grab your juice box and lay down for a nap?

I logged on the other day to PTR to check what it would be like, bought the tab, and nothing show up. It showed as active but no slots were present. I sent a bug report, so not sure if this was still a thing. (Obviously, the posting toon is a Cata, but I assure you, I was in correct PTR :))

been here all day, haven’t heard much aside from some random sputterings of lost currency, but that could also just be people not realizing some currencies don’t transfer 1:1

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Sure, Jan.

i mean… you can look at the front page yourself, i see not a note of any of those in particular

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I haven’t checked bug reports, but once most of my addons updated, outside of my Warlock suddenly having the DH’s Necrolord Covenant ability… I haven’t run into any issues.

Doesn’t mean there aren’t any, just that I got lucky. lol

If you are really rich that is. The third tab and up are expensive.

third tab isn’t really, but 4 and 5 yea