Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

Hovering over chocolate cake when it’s in your inventory causes the game to crash, using sunscale feathers during a quest causes the game to crash, I could go on and on. Look like I said, I love WoW and what not but you cannot sit here and tell me this couldn’t use more time to iron things out.


10/10, 100% this.

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To connect our chars in some kind of guild is indeed a huge feature, for thousands if not hundreds of thousands.

It has been on high demand since at least 10 years if not more. It´s on an equal scale to housing and can not be compared to any other new addition since maybe LFR and Transmogs.

So yes,

you can be damn sure that many bought TWW because of it and not because of yet another raid dungeon or higher level cap.

You are missing the point entirely.

When the game was down yesterday, it was fine because we did expect them to fix what was broken. If the game would be down two days, so what? There is nothing in the pre patch anyways, besides Warbands, so we can wait.

But putting it online with so far, no intention of fixing the warband situation is a bit crazy, don´t you think?

I am sure they only put it online so fast, because some folks were complaining they couldn´t play WOW. Maybe you were one of those people I don´t know, but ya that´s the situation people are upset about.

A working game should go live, a broken one should not. We don´t lose anything if WOW is offline for a few days, but we would win a lot by knowing if it comes online it will work.


You said a broken game should not go live but I been playing mmos since they first came out and all have come out broken and bugged and had to be fixed. I would like to see you tell me of one mmo that has come out with updates that have not been broken or buggy

This is a damned if they do damned if they don’t statement, if they did take it down for a few days you’d have just as many people complaining about being down as we have right now about a feature just look at the way the villagers picked up the pitchforks and torches yesterday when it was down for most of the day, Patience is a virtue one that self entitled people do not possess. Again it’s not the end of the world does it suck Yes, but will anyone die without it No, this fandom is so full of Toxicity it’s not even funny. Even when it’s running at 100% people still whine and complain. my advise go outside, spend time with your family enjoy real life the game with fictional characters and situations will still be here and in the interim of you interacting with humans in meat-space they may fix it, but doing what your doing is not helping the situation…it’s not like they woke up and was like “hey how can we upset people today… I know break one function of the game…”

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the acct wide reps and currencies and better transmog, sure. the bank was just a feature thrown in that no one expected, and a lot of people don’t even want to use it because of the cost

we have a vastly different definition of gamebreaking, none of those will affect most people

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This sounds more like it could be addon issues, but I’m definitely not dismissing the fact that the game is borked right now. lol

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The game quite literally broke…I don’t even…what?


gamebreaking means the game doesn’t work for a vast majority


HaH the number one in game service many players were waiting on its now a wait-bank …lol…I only cared about being able to move my time badges to one character so I could use them…instead of them collecting dust on characters that only got them with the anniversary party stuff.


nothing stopping you from that

Any updates on this?

Nope its still disabled.

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That has nothing to do with the Warbank.

The easiest fix to the Warbank problem is to update the error message at least since it is misleading. Instead of stating that some other character is using the warbank it should a more something akin to “Sorry about the delay, coming soon” message.


The warbank would probably make the logistics of doing that easier. Every character with a surplus resource drops the resource into the warbank and those in need of them pick them up. No need to mail stuff.


Okay well I’ll leave you with that then because I’m not going in circles with you.

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is it already active?

wasn’t about 30 min ago

Any updates?