Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

There is a reddit thread on it, I actually lost tw badges, curious coins, df resources etc. Luckily there is a little log book that shows the transfers so we can open tickets.

strange, i transferred hundreds of thousand currency with no issue

One of the errors that I ran into with the warband banks was things getting deleted from existence when attempting to remove them from the warband bank. Kind of a game breaking issue if the same issue reared its head again.


Wowhead says other wise…www.wowhead.com/news/transfering-currencies-within-your-warband-available-currencies-transfer-rates-339048

Wowhead does not say otherwise. Nowhere in that article does it mention the Warbank. I would suggest actually reading the article.

Open your currency tab. Click on a currency. Hit Transfer.


I was having an issue where I would complete a patron order and get the reward bag. After opening the bag, I would get some materials that I couldn’t use on that character, and would place them in the bank for one of my other crafters to use. I would log into my other character and withdraw those materials, and then go use them to fulfill their own patron orders. After I logged out on that character, the very next time I logged back in and went to the bank, those same materials were available for me to use them again. It was basically like duping mats. I reported it every time it happened, and I even reported it Monday evening before they were getting ready to release the patch, trying to make sure it wouldn’t make it to live. I’m wondering if this is one of the reasons the bank isn’t available currently. Maybe they didn’t figure it out yet.

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fix flying too while you’re at it

Not exactly and I’m not sure it was addressed in today’s patch. If you have Static DR unlocked and you switch to it, you cannot summon a flying mount via the “Pick Random Favorite Mount” button. You CAN use Static flight, but you have to stick a flyer on your toolbar (or if you’re a druid, just use your flight form). I just got my Frenzied Felhawk too, so now I have to choose whether it’s that one or the adorable Owl mount we just got in my single free toolbar space. Yes, I did put in a bug report through the in-game reporting system.

Since that already happened once, when they changed the tiers & removed the (I think?) T0 sets, yeah I’d be very unhappy if that happened again.

I believe most players are getting an error message that another Warband character is using the bank. I’m wondering how many of those players are also in the Beta & have unlocked it on their Beta character. While I do know that Beta & Live are not supposed to be linked, I also know that (sometimes very grievous) errors can happen (look up ESO PTS linked to Live if you want some deets on just how bad it can be) and so I wonder if that’s what the issue is. For some reason, the Warband bank is linked to the Beta and YES if that’s not fixed, anything we are able to place into it WILL poof when Beta closes. That would be an absolute nightmare for the team (and for us).

And you ARE aware that this is the SECOND iteration of that game, yes? Because the first iteration was SO INCREDIBLY POORLY DONE? For the record, I’m not ragging on it either, I enjoy the game myself on occasion. But let’s not pretend that it’s some special miracle child, born perfectly out the gate because that is absolutely untrue.

If your account is compromised & that person decides to login while you are online, you will be kicked offline. Just so you know not to worry in the future. :slightly_smiling_face:

Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Reddit LOL.

This was NEVER announced as a thing they were doing. It was literally a bug that occurred when they introduced cross-realm trading. Of course they disabled it and I don’t recall them saying anything about it other than “This was unintended and we have no plans to implement it”. Now we know why though, as the Warbank was likely already in development at the time.

Since we don’t actually know what the problem is, only that it’s “Critical”, I don’t think they can give us a time when it will be fixed. Not everything can be fully tested on Beta, simply due to the smaller player base and number of servers.

I believe they disabled the Warbanks after they received a mountain of bug reports due to our rogue alts camping inside it. They probably figured either a majority of players had already done the unlocking quests or had heard via word-of-mouth or forums complaints that even though the quests could be completed. the Warbank would not work.

That is DEFINITELY a critical error. So it’s not actually a Warband alt, but a Treasure Goblin who is using our Warbank…

I was looking forward to pooling all of the shared resources between my crafters, as well as the gold from the few characters on random realms I want to delete. Why not delete them now? Because I want the gold & items from them & they’re not on realms connected to my main 3 LOL. But I still have stuff to do in Remix, so I just went back to that.

Ha! I was playing when it took TWO WEEKS and even THEN it wasn’t necessarily fixed! For years I wouldn’t log into ANY game that had a Tuesday reset or maintenance because WoW had trained me not to. You’re right though, these people who are unsubbing because ONE thing broke are just so pathetic. How on earth will they get through life if they can’t handle a hiccup in a video game patch?

Yes and I believe their hope is they can fix it & release it next Tuesday at the latest. That’s why there isn’t another downtime scheduled at the moment.

Sadly, not if any of them are looking here. I hope they’re getting enough rest and that they’re able to figure out exactly what broke it & how to fix it quickly so they can get at least one day off this coming weekend.

The bank is already present. The quests grant you a spell that enables any character to access it remotely.

Nope, the tab is not even there. The spell was when I first logged in though LOL.

The pricing is the same. People forget though that the original iteration of FFXIV was SO bad they nearly went bankrupt over it and Yoshi decided to remake it because he felt he’d personally alienated the playerbase.

It will be when Warbanks go live; you’ll just need to transfer your reagents to the Warbank. This is what I’m looking forward to as right now I have one alt storing fish and only fish, one stores only meat, one stores the rest of the cooking supplies, then personal guild banks with mining supplies, rep items, tailoring supplies… It’s a pain to have to log to this one to send crafting items to that one, not to mention trying to remember who stores what! But it’s been this long, I can wait another week. I still have stuff to get in Remix…

Agreed. I don’t mind the Glamour system either, although all the hoops you have to jump through before you can even access it suck. At least with WoW, you can mog your gear immediately. But the Glamour system is an Asian thing & FFXIV is an Asian game - I’ve noticed that they’re pretty much all like that, with the sparkles & the fru-fru. WoW’s mogs fit WoW, Glamour fits XIV & preference to whichever system is personal.

Have you updated your addons? Turned off the ones that are not updated yet? Back in the day, if I forgot to update Titan Panel, those things would happen to me.

Beta has… Three servers? I think? The number of players in the Beta is significantly lower than in the Live service at any given moment. Likewise, the PTR is ONE server and has significantly fewer players than the Live service. I suspect that the NUMBER of servers and characters to be connected when it hit Live is what caused the problems. I also wonder if there’s a tiny thread attached between Beta & Live that could be causing issues. As I mentioned above, I’m in the Beta & have the Warbank unlocked there. My first thought when I saw the message was, “Why is my Beta character blocking my Live character’s access to the Warbank?”

Maybe that is the cause of the delay.

Would have been neat to have more time spent on getting the warband bank working for release and less time on that god awful “switch flight style” system.

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Going into day 3 of the patch, and a main feature just does not work lol


nothing? blizz?

And spending time on sticking another freaking Piathfinder into the mix of being able to keep using Steadying flying we already did a damn pathfinder in Dragon Flight …


This is the only bleep darn bleepity bleep bleep feature I am interested in and naturally it never works.
2 update patches and still nothing.


I’m starting to think they should reach out to Bioware to see how they implemented it years ago in SWTOR.


See if you promise a grand piano and you drop the grand piano 10 stories to the asphalt with an earth shattering crunch, it is NOT still the grand piano you promised. Just to reply to the person that said " did you buy the game for a bank?"


Yeah funny how people like getting what they paid for.


Wait they got their Warband Bank now its just now a Wait Bank instead…:slight_smile:


And Blizz is taking out a loan to live on barrowed time. :smirk:

See if you promise a grand piano and you drop the grand piano 10 stories to the asphalt with an earth shattering crunch, it is NOT still the grand piano you promised.

Yeah, but if you promise a grand piano, and then you still deliver the grand piano, but it’s a few days late because of logistical issues, then it IS still the grand piano you promised.

Most reasonable people will be OK with that, because we all understand from our experience of being alive, that things don’t always go exactly as planned, especially when implementing something extremely complex.