Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

“DADDY! I WANT AN UMPA LOOMPA NOW!” Stomps feet Seriously thats all I heard from that reply.


then finish 1st grade before reading it again

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To barrow a quote. “Your So Edgy, are you sure your not from the DC Universe?”

I disagree. It’s like comparing an anime to a western cartoon.

I prefer WoW’s transmog system over FFXIV’s glamour any day of the week.
Prettier by a long shot?

No, not unless you are wholeheartedly into the sparkly slashy animanga stuff… It’s still pretty neat if you’re into the anime type of look. The art team does a phenomenal job.

Give me the ham-fisted western “Warcraft Look” over FFXIV looks any day of the week.

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My dude, you are the worst kind of WoW gamer.

Warbands are nice, but doesn’t stop gameplay. You want them to take the game down, because of a QOL that doesn’t impact gameplay?


Yeah. It’s a bit over the top.

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LOL I love that movie and that particular part of the DC Universe.

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Blizz, I love you guys, but you really should’ve left this patch in the oven for a bit longer…


Because one feature doesn’t work?

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Agreed totaly

You have no idea who or what I am, so leave it at that.

I want them to do what they should and make sure what they release WORKS , I mean after 18 hours of downtime yesterday thats the least we could expect


“You’re so edgy, are you sure you’re not from DC universe?”*

They don’t own a So Edgy, and why did you capitalize that?

I think you should expect dog-doo from the company that brought us Diablo 3 and 4, not to mention Shadowlands.

I did it so a grammar nut could come along and correct me, Thank you that was just as I wanted.

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You’re most welcome, I’m glad to be of service discount Kael’thas.


Awww you must say that to all the Blood Elves but sorry I’m saving myself for Anduin.


Only the OG ones.

Yes “one” feature

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I say this coming tuesday with another 12hr+ maintenance and deployment for the other things. Sure they can get it done by then, we can hope.


$5 bucks says it never works

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pretty much, is there some other bugs? sure, but there always is, nothing game breaking