Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

Both D…man

If this keeps up I am sure there will be lots demanding a refund

? warbands work fine

It’s just the bank that’s currently not working, a small feature of the whole thing, let’s not try and make this more than it is.

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I just think I need someone to hold my hand while we all get through this. This new thing we’ve never needed in our long distant past; but now demand, expect and clearly cannot survive without.



my bet is that remix was able to use teh warbank along side retail. and they are trying to fix that.


Warband Bank was one of the main features many wanted and decided to buy the game because of, this is stupidly and laziness no more no less…

You dont buy a 25,000 Car, and because it runs you just go on your way knowing that the AC, the Heat, and the brakes dont work, same thing here

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Man what a :poop:show this is lol, and i havent even logged in yet, and dont plan on it. I’m glad FF just brings down the realms for 2 days, and magically everything works when it comes back up lol.


how much is it to play FF a month and how much for the game?

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if you “bought the game” for a simple bank… idk man… there’s so much better features with warbands than the bank, just the other day a lot of people were talking about how they weren’t even going to use it

sub is like 13 to 30 or 40 bucks a month, box prices is about the same as wow

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and just what else came out this week that was worth even speaking about? pray tell

acct wide rep, the transmog changes, leveling changes, class changes (i was very, very much looking forward to bdk changes)

hell, the transmog change alone dwarfs the bank


what leveling changes now you have me intrigued

box price is cheaper than wow by a long shot

It’s also FtP on a trial account up to the 2nd expansion, dont need to spend anything. good chunk of content without even spending anything

I dont do transmog much so it really dont matter to me overall unless I can sell for good amount of gold

FF gear is far prettier than WoW’s by a long shot. too bad the storage system on it pales in comparison to wow’s

leveling was reduced massively again and you can now level in DF

WoW game with latest expansion is 50 bucks (you don’t need to buy base game anymore)
FF collection is 60

expansions are 50 for wow, and 40 for FF, 10 dollars isn’t really a long shot there

ff does have a good trial, but it has a massive amount of other issues wow doesn’t have, and i say that someone who loves both games

like you said your self, storage in FF is awful, and if you want more you have to pay, it balloons the sub cost quickly.

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So the reagent bank is shared or not?

I’m just amazed (well not really it’s the nature of this fandom) over the self entitlement in this thread by people… does it suck you can’t access Warbanks right now, Yes is it going to ruin your life if you have to wait a little longer? No, no it won’t your just being impatient, you act like running a ever evolving online game is easy to fix any problem that arises, if you think its so easy make your own game and prove it till then stop acting like petulant children and relax… it’s just a game your not going to die if you don’t get access to a function right now.

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each character has their own reagent bank, you can craft from reagents in your warbank

ever hear of them knowing and doing their job? they didnt have to release it broken, know it works of DONT release it till it is.

If is broken at release take the game down and put everyone you have on it to get it fixed, and above all KEEP players updated

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