Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

What is funny if you look for warbank in bank it say one of your char is using it now :rofl:.

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update for us?

Hahaha. Indeed.

Like so many others this was the feature I was SO SO excited for. :frowning:

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my guess next week during maint and when event goes live

Is this your first rodeo, lil visitor?

When Will this be fixed… seems like after being down as long as it was yesterday you would have it working

they didnt forget , only forgot to care enough to fix it

We pay $180 a year to play your game, thousands to keep our equipment up to standards needed to play, and good internet … I was SO EXCITED for TWW that I bought Epic, went out and got a NEW PC to ensure no problems on my end and now you start to drop the ball already? Cant you ensure that YOU dont drop the ball? sounds to me like Blizz had their people go on a long vacation and left their kids to do the work


I don’t see a point in updating unless they’ve made progress, or have an update.

No point in interrupting the process to get an update either.

God forbid we interupt and inconvience them , wouldn’t need a update if they would do it right first time or at best fix it in the 18 hour down time the US servers had yesterday


Interrupting them just makes it take longer >.>

So instead of ‘As soon as possible’ IE whenever they decide to do whats needed… it would be longer? they need to hire people who know what they doing

Crap happens, when you’re in the weeds trying to fix something, someone coming in asking how its going just gets you out of the groove.

They worked fine on ptr, they work fine on beta, something broke in retail implementation, no point having the whole game down for one small feature

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bilzz you guy trying to kill this game?

They aren’t even trying to be responsive…No major announcements…

So is it fixed yet?

Trying? or doing?

This is the main feature of TWW, so not a “small feature”.

It would be small if we would look at a dungeon, a quest or so, but TWW´s main feature is Warbands, it´s the selling point so just removing it, to keep the game working, is not the way to go.

So if that means, taking the game off for a few hours to fix it instead of releasing the game without the main feature, then a downtime is the better way of doing it.

As it stands right now, the prepatch is pretty pointless if we can not use the main addition, so it would have been better to either delay it or take the game down to fix it.

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they dont update - lack of caring
They release crap on us - lack of caring

see a pattern?

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