Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

Just wanted to poke in and see if we had an ETA on the WarBank :D! Cheers to the team on pre-patch launch. Hopefully you’re all hearing more good things than bad.


No one is power tripping except you, up there on your pedestal telling people how they should or shouldn’t react to things. And telling me how I should react when I wasn’t even reacting to it, but simply having a conversation with someone else entirely.

Ignore works both ways. And how is it okay for you to tell me what to do, tell others how to feel, but when I ask you not to reply to me again… you throw a fit?

Look to thine own self and have a better day.


I wonder what’s going on in this… oh.


Ah, I did not see this. A simple link would help so much. Then it will be on us if we read it or not.

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15 hours since the last update lol


Yeah, it would make sense to put that on the patch notes link. Even Old Republic does that. lol

Uh. You told me not to reply. I think that makes it fair game from that point on. Just giving back what I receive. :slight_smile:

I don’t have you on ignore and have never said I was putting you on ignore. You have told me you put me on ignore.

That’s a one way street. It doesn’t work both ways. Keep me on ignore, thank you.

Anyways though. For everyone that was the butt of a “popcorn” joke yesterday I hope you are enjoying the day 2 popcorn subjects.

I know I am.


I… couldn’t figure out why the warband bank wasn’t working and had to google it… found this thread. Dangit… Hopefully it’s functioning properly soon? <3

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Definately disappointing for sure. I’m on my days off and was hoping to buy a few tabs and start emptying banks now, before the prepatch event starts. Hopefully it doesn’t take too long to fix! :smiley:

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Thank you. Mine was telling me that another member of my warband was using the bank. lol

Why are you storing it? it automatically unlocks outside of tokens


You travel faster and farther going downhill.

YAY! Progression!

Also on topic:
I was wondering where the heck to find the warband bank last night. spent a good while poking around in the newly confusing menus and talking to everyone in the bank clicking everything thinking it might be something like the guild bank. Turns out, Iʻm not crazy… maybe.

I said useful items, not just mog. So profession mats, rep items, etc.

Any update at this point would be welcome

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All your posts are hyperbole and doomer. Just quit the game already buddy. You will never be happy with anything they do.

Is there a known issues thread? Can we pin it to the top of the “Latest”?

I don’t think I saw any patch notes for today despite the maintenance either.

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not every maintenance comes with patches/notes

There is, but it’s pinned in the Bug Report forum…


It isn’t. These posts aren’t about doing something like they have done for 20 years. They are about marquee new features being unavailable. People are frustrated and venting said frustration on a public forum.

It would have been less frustrating if they came on here yesterday and said, “Hey, we found a critical issue with Warbands and the bank. Due to this, we’ve pushed the update to Thursday so we can resolve those issues.” Would this have cost some developer and network operations time? Probably. Would it create better good will with the customers? Yes. Definitely. And it would have had absolutely no impact on the rest of their calendar.


It’s pretty obvious they saw this as a way to claw back flying in a small way. If they could and players wouldn’t riot and they’d all get fired for destroying the game they’d just remove normal steadyflight entirely but they can’t do that. So instead make it inconvenient, force players to hit a keybind to open a UI panel, to click a button, to cast a 5 second cast, to then click a mount, to wait another second to mount it. To fly somewhere, to land, to decide you want dragonriding again to again open a ui panel, to click a button, to stand for 5 seconds casting. And on and on.

It’s not even bad design or incompetence it’s malicious design, it’s a dark pattern designed to drive players to accept staying in dragonriding mode all the time and ultimately on some occasions end up moving more slowly around.

No one on the Blizzard team could have used this system and thought it was anything but a slog to switch between styles. I cannot believe no one there does the choosing one kind of mount and flying style sometimes and another for other times. For short distances like mounting around in the city I’ll always choose steadyflight/normal-flight unless it’s straight to the other side of the city. So the thing to assume then is they know it’s annoying and that’s the purpose, to as much as possible deprecate old flying. Perhaps if they get enough people used to this, trained to it, they’ll claim at the end of TWW that they now have metrics showing players use dynamicflight 90% of the time and as such they’re removing steadyflight or making it even harder to access. It’s driving players to a conclusion players don’t want but they do.

Thing is I’m fine with not having steadyflight in new expansion areas. That seems fair considering the traditional gating of flying we’re now all so used to. I’d even be fine not having it until the end of the expac. But I just want easy use of both styles without opening panels or cooldowns, just clicks from my actionbars for use in Stormwind, in the old world, out and about farming old content.