Warband Valorstone Discount Not Working

Can we have a fix please?

We’ve identified an issue with Valorstones not being discounted across your Warband after upgrading an item on a character. This should be fixed with next week’s scheduled maintenance.


please identify the issue with half my weeklys not showing up <3


How about the fact that many of us only got 2 runed crests, and no Delver’s Bounties for bonus chests, from doing 9-10 bountiful delves? Can we get any confirmation that those are working as intended?


How long has this “issue” been a thing? Since launch? Have we been burning our stones for weeks?


What are the chances players get returned the valorstones they spent over what they should’ve? :joy:


I mean, people’s guild banks are still missing, so probably zero.

Same with those of us who didn’t get Runed Crests or bonus maps from bountiful delves this week.

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next to none. Also they need to hire some more community manager’s. Almost a full day to at least acknowledge this bug is ridiculous. That and not fixing this in a hotfix and making people wait the entire week or they are basically SoL on upgrading stuff.

CMs aren’t to blame. They only post what devs authorize them to post.

The developers don’t really have a say in PR, either.

This expansion has been a technical failure. Broken AH, all sorts of bugs making it to live servers, and horrible FPS in dornogal + raids.


relatively fast response sweet. GJ.

Not really, just saying we know there is an issue usually don’t make people happy so they tend to like to have a better answer. Identifying an issue can take considerable time and the larger the code the more time it can take to identify what went wrong.

24 hours is relatively fast considering most games won’t respond for at the very least 3 days and upward. many even taking up to a whole month.

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So no compensation? Thats really rough.

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Are you going to refund our valor stones since you decided to wait until Tuesday to deploy a fix? Can you please not be dumb and just deploy a fix.

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So you guys are ready to kill fun content within 24 hours, but you will wait for an actual game breaking bug fix for a week?

lmao you guys got it backwards.

Valorstone should have been fixed today.
Devles tuning to take place next week.

2? I got 1!
I got zero bounties. It’s super low drop rate. With my friends, so like out of ~40 chests amongst 4 us, we only had 1 dude get it.

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Seems like the shorter list is things that ARE working as intended

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Typical Blizzard, quick to hotfix anything that benefits players and glacially slow to hotfix anything that’s HURTING players.

Yet another untested feature that a QA department likely would have found.



when will you get it? they are trying to PUNISH their playing base… there is NO other excuse or reason. its is maliciousness at this point… no longer incompetence.

so it’s useless to play alts till tuesday woohoo. send us 2k valorstone compensation please

This is not a 24hr response. The issue was reported pretty much straight after weekly reset here and in the bug report forum

I get that they are probably inundated with bugs and issues right now but this is pretty game breaking. My alts have all been parked for a week and unable to progress to harder content.