Warband valorstone 50% discount not applying

As the title says.
Up until today the Warband Valorstone discount of 50% was applying across my whole account, now it is not.

I have a 593 xbow on my hunter (so, a 2h weapon). Upgrade dude wants full valorstone price (250 valorstones) to upgrade my 587 2h mace on my warrior.

Is this intended, or a bug?


Same for me, for every item slot, no discount across characters. I do get the discount if the same char has a higher ilvl already. Every thing I can find says the Valorstone Discount should be warband wide.

Edit: I also upgraded an item to see if it was a visual bug, and it was not.


Same for me as well

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Same here , typical blizzard clown show


Looks like Blizzard did a bait and switch and is now reverting what they sold this expansion as ALT FRIENDLINESS!


Classic bait and switch …. CLASSIC


It’s actually retail bait and switch … RETAIL


Same for me

Guess I’ll throw in as well and say same for me. Even before this I had issues with 2H weapons though not providing discounts even to the same weapon type, Mage Staff to Warlock Staff.

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Likewise not working

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Same. Noticed this last night.

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Also having this issue - no Valorstone discount at all for alts


I am having the same issue, when will this be fixed?

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Same issue, with how annoying it is to get valorstones, especially on alts you don’t play as much, this really needs to be fixed.


Hmmm that’s odd. I was still getting my discounts on my toons. Wonder if it’s another bug that’s affecting people at random? (Like most bugs since TWW launch)

Also just incase, wasn’t part of the requirement that you had to actually upgrade that specific step previously? Example: I get a 593 2h Axe and upgrade to 596 or w/e (having never upgraded any 2h prior). If another character gets a 2h Mace and it’s a 584 it would still be full cost until I hit 593 at which it would be half cost.

Same issue here, just noticed. If it’s a bug I hope we get the extra valor stones we spent reimbursed.

No. It has been that once a slot is unlocked at a certain ilevel account wide everything up until that level is discounted at 50%. It worked like this all through DragonFlight and in TWW up until this past Tuesday. I have checked all my alts (5x lvl 80) and I am not getting any discounts unless that character has that slot upgraded.

I have a sneaking suspicion this may have something to do with the rollbacks and bans that happened for the people that exploited to get their renown to cap.


Be cool if we could get some clarity from Blizzard on this. All of my alts upgrades are on hold until we hear what’s going on


Ah ok. Was unsure if that was something to do with it since I came back during S4 of DF.

It’s a weird bug if it is a bug. Or if it affected everyone because of the rollbacks, would also suck.

Im refusing to upgrade gear until this is resolved on my alts

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