Warband Valorstone Discount Not Working

This game is still in beta likely for the next 4-6 weeks.


Seems like an item that would be tested extensively…

dont worry next expansion people will still pay for “early alpha access” anyway…


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Uncap or get rid of valorstones.

You do understand why that is right? The longer something stays that benefits players even if unintended the larger the backlash later for reverting. Not to mention the more damage it does to the longevity of that seasons cycle The choice is pretty clear what to do when you consider all the moving pieces, naturally as a player this feels bad but it’s something developers have to do.

the words, when hell freezes over, come to mind.

So… we’re just stuck not upgrading our alts gear until Tuesday? For real?

Can we please get an answer to whether the extra valorstones spent this week will be reimbursed with the fix? I like many others would really like to progress our alt characters this week (vault rewards etc)

But I don’t want to be penalised by paying more than I need to for upgrades

My alts are finding it really hard to get Valorstones. In fact, I can’t even get any from turning in snuffling wax. I farmed them all day yesterday on my pally and got around 400. All day!!! That is NOT how it works on my main. Something is seriously wrong.

Is this still broken?

This is RNG.

I don’t know what the cost should’ve been, but I went to upgrade an item on one of my characters and the valorstone cost was in green, which usually means there’s a discount being applied.

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