Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

No, your use of basically mean almost no cost.
Free is zero cost.

And yes, Warbands is a highly advertised feature of the expansion, and the warband bank is part of that feature.

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I’m still not understanding the purpose of this vault in the first place. I know what it is and so on but everything you can do with the vault you can already do in the game. I guess it’s practical with crafting as you don’t have to mail resources or put them in a guild bank etc. But yeah, the pricing is just weird.

To the person below me, really? That sounds crazy if that is true and I’m not talking about us regular players but the bots…

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Gold transfers from unattached realms.

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The first two are basically zero cost, just a couple weeks of doing quests with you and your alts. The third tab is where it starts getting slightly expensive, but the expansion is still months away. And the Fourth and fifth tabs are more for completionists.

Yeah, I felt dumb for trying to wrap my head around the benefits of this system. I just wasn’t seeing it, frankly, I’m still not. This won’t change how I play, and no offense to anyone, I think a bigger deal is being made about this than it actually is.

I’ll be using it mostly to store reagents for professions BoE/BoA gear for current and future alts. It’s just a convenience really. We could just not have warbanks and mail everything to each individual alt. This way we just put stuff in the warbank and our alts can take stuff as they need them.

It’s just an account-wide bank so you don’t have to switch around so much. Dump all your ores in there and your Engineer, Jewelcrafter, and Blacksmith can all use whatever they need without having to figure out who’s carrying what items.

" Finally, it’s worth mentioning that we would like to update the UI and functionality of the character-level bank to also use tabs like the Warband bank. While this won’t be done at the launch of The War Within , we are planning for it to come soon after. When this change occurs, bags will no longer be needed in the character bank. It’s intended that this change won’t alter the number of slots currently available in your bank. It will just shift those slots from bags to tabs."

This is the best part of the deal. No more wondering if my bank bags have enough room.

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I don’t, and I have a nice nest egg saved up but it’s nowhere near enough to buy that last tab.

(Other than I ignored WQs the week I was doing Plunderstorm because it was just too much.)

huh. sounds like you just won’t have it right away. life will continue.


Yea, I’m not so bothered by this.

Everyone cries “need more gold sinks!” and here we go, but of course no one wants a gold sink that might affect them.

The single biggest problem, for me, in my bank, is reagents. The reagent tab is too small, SL just polluted us with reagents with ZM, and the Abomination factory. And, worse, if you put your “most rare why am I really holding on to this” reagents into the generic bank bags, and had a bunch of reagents in your toon bags, and clicked “Deposit Reagents”, it tries to move the ones in the bags first.


The only things we can actually store in a Warband tab is BOE stuff (and BOW). Getting 3 tabs is pretty easy, and that’s almost 300 slots.

The primary use case for those tabs will be BOE crafted items perhaps waiting for sale. A use case, indeed, but hardly a crisis for most players.

At this rate, I can never see myself getting the last two tabs. I MIGHT get the 100K one.

I don’t see a lot of utility in them for me, to be honest.

I wouldn’t mind another reagent tab though.

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So it’s like account wide void storage with increase price for a tab? I had to fork out $60 for tokens for the legendary c’mon man!

I just have guild banks lol

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I’ll get one slot, just to see if I actually use it, but I’ve been pretty content with just using a bank alt for the past 17 years or so.

A gold sink that most people won’t be able to afford isn’t much of a gold sink. They’ve admitted as much in the past with things like the 1m+ gold mounts.


K I usually do the emerald dream weeklies and pick emerald dream for aiding the accord so probably am getting the gold without noticing it. I usually start all my characters with 250,000 each at the start of the expansion and then send all the excess over to my bank characters and I notice a few over the 800k mark so the gold is coming in regularly

So you would have been fine with the structure if the first tier started at 5k?

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these can act like reagent tabs in that all your characters will be able to directly pull crafting mats from those tabs

that is almost all I will have in those tabs profession mats and output like gems, potions, enchants etc

People aren’t upset because they can pay it just and don’t want to, they’re upset because they can’t pay it.

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More incentive for people to buy WoW Tokens. It’s extra revenue and keeps subscriber numbers up.