Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

I can make 75k gold a DAY in ESO just doing the crafting dailies on my fifteen characters. It isn’t nearly as easy to make that kind of gold in this game. I really feel this is nothing but a way to try to encourage players to buy tokens. It’s scummy. It’s leaving a really bad taste.


That’s exactly why this much is scumfully high price: Most people can’t make that much. Making that much is a reselling-only affair, locking others out of earning it. Or requiring people to buy tokens which seems to be the point.

I don’t want to buy the tokens, even if I can afford it. I want to earn it in the game, exactly as you described.

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Thanks, bro, my statement had nothing to do with classic.

Most people can’t do Mythic raid or be in the .5% top PvP rating. Blizzard is giving 3/5 slots nearly free, which I am sure will be more than what players will ever use. Like this is hundreds of material slots, and if you are so deep into crafting I’m sure 500k 4th slot isn’t going to be hard.

My knee jerk reaction was to be upset about these prices.

This is just anecdotal based on my observations, experiences, and feelings of late but there is a trend in WoW where players feel like they need to have everything introduced to the game and if they can’t get it or have it, they feel compelled to complain. Everyone is entitled to an opinion of course.

This system doesn’t seem to have any benefit other than convenience, from what I can tell. I’ve played since TBC and I don’t see how not having these tabs will impact me. I have friends to help me move things around from server to server if I need to move something. I’m used to items being soulbound, so that doesn’t bother me if I can’t share them. And I have bank toons for all the rest. After consideration, its business as usual.

People who focus on and make a priority of farming/making gold should have systems of their own. No different than people who prefer to pet battle, collect t-mog/mounts, or do m+ and raid.

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See, this is fine for some things, but when it starts applying to all things, including the bank, that’s a problem, because even the bottom people who can’t do anything well should be able to earn something. If not, there’s no reason for them to play.

There’s a reason to be elitist about mythic and restrict the top rewards to the ultra-skilled, but there’s absolutely no reason to do that with bank slots.

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I could see that if they removed all the existing individual banks and this was the only alternative, but being just an extra perk, that idea seems a little tinfoil hat driven.

I want Blizz to keep the high gold cost of War Band Bank tabs to help with gold inflation and to keep the token price from getting anywhere near 500k

You still have personal banks and guild banks you can use. The new war band bank is a luxury.

WoW needs more big gold sinks. TBH Blizz should have kept the Dino mount in game as a gold sink and not have move it to the BMAH.

Um, have you met Blizzard?

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It’s not restricting at all. Just save up a little bit and over time you will get there. How often do you look at an easy race for a nice bag of gold and pass up on it?

It’s not something you will earn in a week but I am 100% certain if you actually focus on the goal you want to hit, you will hit it. No skill required, not gatekept, nothing but actually going for it.

But it’s not, is it?
Why does there have to be a cost involved for just the most basic use of a highly advertised expansion feature?
Give me Tab 1.
I’ll decide whether or not I need more depending upon the need and the cost.

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Honestly I just want them reduced. It was something I was looking forwards to more than most things. Having it price me out is frustrating as hell especially when I can’t see a reasonable reason beyond arbitrary price gouging to be a gold sink.

I don’t mind earning things I just don’t want to be judged to the high end players who can spend the exorbitant amount of time and effort to be high end.

This is a bit too much for those tabs. Its ridiculous.

Like those last three tabs being 100,000g sure.

I like the one post where they judged them by a reasonable rising scale rather than a ridiculous 25 times jump for the second…


Can we be completely sure, this being Alpha and all, that these numbers won’t change by the time the expansion goes live?

That’s what the word “basically” means, yes.

:dracthyr_lulmao: Seriously? It’s not even the headliner in the article all about warbands. It’s barely a step up from the tuskarr tuques in terms of expansion content.

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The Emerald Dream weekly to get 1500 rep with the Dream Wardens can give around 1500 gold. The renown quests for filling up the bar past Exalted can also give around 1500 gold.

Some world quests, like the Field of Ferocity one in Ohn’aran Plains have a hidden 600 gold reward that you get even if it doesn’t show it. So if the Field of Ferocity world quest shows 1k gold as a reward, you’ll really get 1600 gold.

Why do you care so much what other people think of you?

Some players will have all these tabs the first day they’re out, but they’ll be a small %, like maybe a decimal point of 1%. To the vast majority of players, it’ll take months or years to purchase all these tabs and that is okay. It is a system, and it is progression.

take it from a guy who doesn’t have millions of dollars laying around, it’s super awful that bugattis exist

these are the people who swore the existence of one item on a roadmap counted as “marketing and hype”

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Each “tab” of the warbank can hold 98 items which is as much as our reagent banks now. That’s actually a lot of slots just by itself for reagents. Our bank banks can easily hold 252 items with some fairly cheap 32-slot bags.

So we already have fairly easy capacities of 350. And for a mere 126,000 gold you can just about double your available slots to a total of 644. My existing bank on my main isn’t even full let alone unlocking and adding bags to all of my alts.

The prices here don’t seem unreasonable. How many items are you guys keeping? I clean out my bank/inventory every new expansion.


500k isn’t that much in the current game.

2.5 million, though, that’s still a kick in the scojeelies…