Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?



Not everyone farms gold or plays the AH, I never have much gold and I sure as heck aren’t about to buy WOW tokens to get this.

Why make features the average players can’t afford to even use?


A reminder, these warband tabs aren’t going away.

You literally have the rest of the game’s life to buy as many as you want/ need.

I meant I don’t want blizzard to make systems based on high end players (when the system in question isn’t for them/has a wider appeal and use.).

I don’t think this counts as progression…

This is just a utility.

I said reasonable.

The first bits not unreasonable the last few are.

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You can easily afford the first two. The third one might take some work, but still doable if you have enough alts to want to take advantage of it anyway. That’s 294 account-wide slots.

First 2 yeah, 3rd one getting a little iffy but probably. 4th no. 5th - never lol

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I don’t think Blizzard intends for like 98% of the player base to be able to afford all these tabs on the first day it is introduced. I’m sure at those prices they realize only less than maybe a percent of players will have every tab day 1.

For the vast majority of us, they were expecting this to be a progression of several patches or expansions from now. And that is okay. For the 98-99% of us, one or two tabs will suffice.

This is a molehill being turned into a mountain.


Who needs more than one tab? Every alt already has their own bank. If all this does is give us a place to store a few items we want them to share, shouldn’t one tab be enough? What are you guys, packrats? :smiley:

This is what gets me. I don’t mind it costing gold or being a bit of a gold sink, but there’s genuinely something scummy imo about them taking a well-desired and eager-to-have feature and putting on a pricetag that’s high enough to guarantee at least some players will spend quite a bit of money on multiple tokens to get it.


Thought was just to use it! was about to get all angry and stuff
All good. Tax the rich all they like :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

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At max level, I agree. But for a new player bouncing around between a few alts as they learn the game, getting a few silver per quest in low-level content?

(unless I’m misunderstanding and the bank comes with a baseline of space without buying any extra tabs?)

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Blizzard is smart enough to know that they will get more money doing it this way as well instead of just selling it for $25- $30. They also can dodge being accused of making a cash grab by stating you don’t have to pay cash for it but use gold.


Hmm this is still a cheaper solution to my problem.

I really thought that part of their incentive for creating the Warband bank was to encourage us to move off of the server-load heavy guild banks for personal use. If it was, um, it’s not going to work in it’s current form.

Given that I can’t pass stuff live from one of my accounts to the other with the Warband bank (understandable), it has fewer tabs, and the tabs they have are silly in price, I think I’ll keep using guild banks. (Hey, and they’ll be cross realm in TWW!) At least now I have an excuse to continue avoiding social interaction in real guilds.


Take note Blizzard. Again you offer all the toys up front and again people think they are entitled to all the toys. Learn to do one at a time, spread out over time, so people are grateful when you add extras after ‘listening to them’.

Personally, if I had been Blizzard, I would have provided the first for free, the second at 25,000 and then the others at 250,000 each, demonstrating the first one is part of the Warbands package while the rest are privileges to be earned.

And, as I player, I am more appalled/upset/disgusted/outraged that they didn’t even bother to give it a WoW aesthetic so I will happily stick to my bank alts.

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Yeah looks like I won’t be using this feature. Not wasting that much gold.


I just wish Blizzard wouldn’t sell something so HARD at the preview launch at Blizzcon, like they are Santa Claus giving out wonderful free items, and then you find out this is more like a College School Loan. Given the gold boost every expansion has, that last tab won’t be TOO ridiculous to grind to eventually, but let’s be honest, this is a way to motivate the whole PTW mentality. Which sucks. And I’d love to blame it on M$ but Blizz has always been greedy like this.

Hey, kiddos, here’s a great neat item! Oh, but expect it to hardly drop, so waste all of your time, and then spent about $50 real dollars worth of gold on making it decent.

Hey folks, look at this neat new item! But it costs like $300 worth of gold to have. SOZ!

etc. Anytime you see Blizz announce a neat new feature, expect it to be:

  1. full of bugs
  2. not work how they explained it would
  3. be missing key things from the announcement
  4. probably even have the name changed
  5. cost a truckload of gold in one way or another.

That’s just the blizzard model these days.


The first 4 are kinda OK, but 2.5M for the last one is ridiculous.
I’ve never had that much, and I might have spent a grand total of 5-6M in my whole WoW lifetime over my characters.


Tab 5 is way too high for sure.


I agree that the final tab should be reduced, but it should also require an achievement to level every class to the level cap.

Yeah. I may buy the first 2 or 3 tabs, only thing I really want the bank for is to transfer stuff from toon to toon with faction/realm restrictions.

Another gold sink I’m pretty sure I can live without.

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