Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

To note, I don’t care about the price of the final tab, as long as they give me an option to hide the tab.

If the option to hide it does not exist, it needs to be at a level that’s easily attainable by the average player.

correct – and those people, along with hardcore crafters (who also got rich this expansion), are the only people who actually have a case for needing all slots.

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But that’s what Blizzard does. All. The. Time. Can we really even expect something different?

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sorry, but… why, exactly?

Addons might help with that. Although this is a really odd request, is it self-control issues or what? I’m not trying to judge or anything.

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What the actual hell? Why so much? Well ok so forget the warband bank, I’ll just keep my guild for my alts. Talk about taking a good idea and ruining it. Wow man.


Your analogy has no meaning.

This isn’t a car.

The people who will want all the tabs will rarely have the means for that much gold.

You and I play very differently apparently… I had mine filled most of the time.

It’s not that it’s a gold sink it’s that it’s a huge one.

Glad you’re rich.

I’ve not seen any pricing reasoning.


Ya’ll playing a different game than I


Just lower the price.

We… Have the current pricing.



Not being able to buy every unnecessary thing in the game isn’t a problem.


okay, then they… won’t have all the tabs. they will still have some of the tabs. why is this an earth-shattering disaster?

No one said it was.

I’m seeking a price reduction for what is unnecessarily over priced.


okay, what’s the fair price for it?

Protoform Synthesis stuff


No one needs anything but food, water, and shelter. People want it. It’ll help them. Not all hardcore crafters make a lot of money from it btw. Professions are designed to be gold sinks. Like reselling, some can make money from them, but not everyone can, because we’re talking about a limited supply of other peoples’ money being competed for.



I’d reduce the last three tabs (3-5) to all be 100,000g individually.


This is me just being hypothetical (so don’t shoot me) but it’d be cool if instead of gold (or at least an option besides gold) for the last 1 or 2 bank slots you earn it through gameplay over time. Like some really expensive warband-token from what is essentially crests.

I think that’d be a fair trade-off for the expensive slots. :dracthyr_shrug:


that’s an idea, but that won’t fly here either. the next objection will just be “it takes too long and i want it NOW”


I don’t mind that idea.

Though I suppose it would depend on what that requirement is.

You assume a lot about people and should really listen rather than be that way. Lol


True. I also just realized if you give players the option to use gold or a grindable token, wealthy players can choose to skip it and that drains some amount of gold from the economy. Not a notable amount I’ll admit, but something I guess.

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Holy begeebus! LOL I haven’t seen anything over 250k on my characters. Those prices feel like I’m in Old Republic. :rofl: