Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

I mean numbers are subject to change of course, but remember gold’s gonna be a lot easier to combine through your alts, so it’s probably taking that into account.


i think i fudged the maths… “bank” and “reagent bank” are their own singular tabs, i added double for each tab.

let me re-calculate and correct that before the pitchfork crew arrive
(edit) i just removed it.
i’m clearly too tired to be attempting public mathematics. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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“with the last tab alone costing a whopping 2,500,000” - Wowhead

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: giggle

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Imagine if they let normies get that much gold by doing quests, open world activities and never touching the Auction House. That’s when you can say ‘that isn’t much in WoW today’ lol.

For anyone wanting that much it’s rather easy, yes. But don’t twist it like a normal player is ever going to get that much gold without something like Garrisons again. Which are the primary reason WHY we have so much gold in circulation in the first place.


Unacceptable. This is designed to be merchanter-only. Without using the AH (and profiting from reselling) you can’t get this much.

The Black Market Auction House is a good compromise because it offers rare items at those levels of wealth. If you need to drain more money off merchanters add more stuff to it.

But basic bank functions? No. That should be for everyone.


most people don’t need more than 2 tabs for professions items - anything else is in hoarder territory

signed a hoarder

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it is for everyone. you have the exact same “basic bank functions” with one tab :slight_smile:

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so anyone on alpha can confirm they increased gold cap?

Still desperate to bleed people of their WoDbux I see.

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You are GROSSLY out of touch with the average player.

I haven’t even earned 2.5 million the entirely of dragonflight and I started in trade chat doing crafting orders for the first year of it.


what are you spending it all on?

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It’s server dependent, but just running the gold weeklies nets me roughly 10k a week without much hassle PER toon. If you want you can even do an occasional tank/heal role and help out in LFR or dungeons for a loot baggie that brings in 900+ gold and runes that sell very well. You can make like 1mm a year just passively playing now, and spending about 4 hours a week on a main and a few Alts.

You can still turn a decent profit with most crafts if you look for opportunities on the AH and focus on something. I crafted all of s1, 2, and half of 3 and made enough for the first 4 tabs no issue. I walked out of SL with 1mm in excess gold just from questing and selling mat drops on the AH…I ran ZM flying routes a bunch too though, that was good money.

I don’t think it’s prohibitive for the avg player, I just don’t think the avg player is gold conscious.

I JUST now hit my first million. Aint no way imma get that much gold, unless they are gonna give us HUGE gold world quests, like 10k for a world boss kill.


TBH, I’d drop the 4th to 200K and the 5th to 400K

Each tab holds 98 items. I’m not sure what I’m going to put in them that’s not already being held by alts.

They could make it like the final guild tab. Lower the cost, but make it require an achievement as well. Something like leveling one of each class to the level cap.

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You’re correct. There’s a limit to what you can make without reselling. Anyone who has 2.5mil lying around is reselling. And that’s great for them but it’s not possible that everyone makes money like this.

Gold comes into the economy through WQ rewards and things like that. Some people can get more per character than what is available that way (by reselling) but it is mathematically impossible that everyone can.

You could hypothetically get a decent amount by having 10 max-level characters, no life, doing all gold WQs every day, but you ultimately have to sleep so the max might be around 10.

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“Oh you get seasonal depression? Why don’t you just go to the Caribbean for a week and the Mediterranean the next? It always helps me.” ~ Some rich person somewhere.


I don’t think I have enough junk across my alts to make it worth buying the 2nd one. Possibly not even the first, but 1k is pocket money so even if I don’t use it much it might be worth it.

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Just buy tokens…

It’s what they want

Right? It’ll probably start at ten million gold for the first tab and then double for each tab after that.