Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

it’s not a lot of gold.

…and i’m not “wow rich”, by any means.

i wouldn’t consider buying the last couple of tabs until i see how much gold i start making in the new expansion.

it’s not something which needs to be immediately fully unlocked…

hah no probs i’m half asleep and told kitty i was going to bed hours ago :crazy_face:

These gold sinks were already pretty arbitrary, applying them to this kinda blows tbh, and this is coming from someone who could get all the tabs a few times over.


I’m not even going to bother with the Warbank as it is.


An image of purchasing a tab for 2.5 Million gold shocked me as well. However, it is the last tab. The others are 1.1 million and some change. I’ll make due with fewer tabs for a while.

Maybe I can make that if I can clear out my guild bank and its tabs. I won’t need it anymore to be honest.

It’d literally be cheaper to just make your own guild bank by a large margin


Right now a token is $28.75 CAD for me. A token is (according to Wowhead) going for 294,049 gold as of the moment of my reply.

That is 11 tokens to purchase all these tabs I think? If they’re a total of 3,126,000 gold, then that is $316.25 CAD.

Wild. A lot of people are about to start buying tokens and driving them down in price, so I guess it’ll take more tokens by the time this feature is added to WoW.

As a casual player who doesn’t work on professions or do gold farms, and relies on the occasional token for consumables for m+, I will not be getting any of these bank tabs any time soon lol.


To you sure…

I don’t feel like I should have to wonder if its a possibility to unlock this feature fully or not… its been a long time coming for Blizzard to finally do something like this and this is a bad thing to over price.


so in your mind they’re not helpful unless you can easily buy every single slot? it’s all or nothing, for you?

why “should it be” relatively cheap? because you want it cheap? that’s not a great reason.

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I’ve been playing for like 19 years (with a 1.5 yr break) and I still have over 2m across the account from the gold glut xpacs and selling excess pets. Not a farmer/exploiter/etc. Just judicious spending. I don’t buy ridiculous mounts if they have no utility. I don’t buy AH weapons/gear/etc. usually.

The warband tabs will come in handy for leveling profs and things like that. Mailing mats back and forth is a pain. I’m sure 2~3 tabs will be more than enough for me.

ps. that may not be the final price point when it goes live

Saying 2.5 million gold isn’t a lot gives off a rich person saying 10,000 is loose change vibes.

You know better, it is very much a lot.


Did I say that?

Because its meant to help people… its a ridiculous price for those last two or three tabs. I’m not asking for them to be free… gods.

Yeah really… Like… I get the impression some of you think you’re “average” players but are actually really not.


it does help people. the first three tabs are dirt cheap. how is that not helpful?

edit: you need a car to get to work and back, so they’re offering you one for $50. they’ll throw in a premium sound system for another $200. you’re saying “but i thought you were going to help me get to work! i can’t afford the premium sound system” and then declaring the car a bad deal.

So 7x14 is 98 slots per tab, so 490 slots total for just over 3mm?

Unless they just go loopy with a 4th or 5th mat rarity this time around, I can’t even see using more than 1 tab per expansion. The bulk of which you’re heavily enticed to move before the last season of that xpac even goes live to try and recoup funds anyway…

I had a hard time filling up even half my crafting bag during all of DF. I made roughly 2mm of LW alone, so I was actively crafting until midway through s3. The only mats I sat on were insight, and a stack of max tier leather/scales to plug orders if I needed it. Even with all the crafts I can see having quite a bit to still handle one xpac per tab.

That’s ~3mm for 10 years worth of tab space if the xpac cadence doesn’t change. Seems fair.

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I mean that’s a pretty big bank. How much are y’all hoarding to need all 5 slots? Especially with a Reagent Bank and what not.

I’m fine with storage being a gold sink personally.

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I really don’t care what they charge. I will pay it with a smile to reduce the amount of time I have to slog grinding tmogs I am missing

that’s the other thing i don’t get about peoples’ objections. how many hundreds of stacks of [Slightly Oblong Bird Egg] from BC do you actually need all of your alts to have access to at all times? be serious!

How are people so over-extended with their gold?

…gambling with goblins?

If you want a thing, save for it.

Start saving now, and you’ll have the gold when the xpac drops.

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Is there any reason that they should cost gold to unlock? Anything that isn’t arbitrary like because Blizzard says so?

I can already mail mats to alts, and trade things that aren’t soulbound to friends on other servers who can then trade it back to my alts on those servers. Are these warband banks just paying for the convenience of being able to move things around from server to server without needing the help of a friend or having more than one account?

Maybe I’m dumb (spoiler alert, I am) but is there any place to read an explanation/reasoning on this system and pricing? I don’t see anything on Wowhead yet.


no. there is not. there is no magical rule that says “if conditions X and Y are met, the cost must be Z”. there never will be.