Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

The price needs to be reduced. It’s a gold sink and it’s a bad way of removing gold from the game. Try removing BOTS blizz instead of negatively impacting people who don’t have gold. Plus, blizz has made gold earning on average a lot harder and that’s not adding the in game inflation. We have to deal with taxes in real life that upsets people to no end and who at blizz thought it was a good idea to put taxes in game? Why not up the annoyance and put diseases in game as well like cancer and heart attacks and make it so that when you randomly die from them, it will cost you $30 real money to bring your player back to life. See where I’m going here with this blizz? It’s a game that’s meant to be fun and when you lose sight of this, you only have yourselves to blame. AND why is the warbank system still offline? Such an expensive game to purchase and play and you can’t afford your own paid beta testers to properly test the game before going live? You have no excuse here blizz after 20 years of running this game. You dropped the ball on this one and just like Diablo 4, it’s probably time to start rotating the staff out of this game and bring in new blood who are better equipped at quality control. Blizz really needs to stop relying on customers to do the majority of their beta testing. Might be time to put together a gamer’s union and when sub par quality xpacs are rolled out, the company is forced to suspend the monthly fee until they get the game right. This way we can insure better quality and better treatment for the money we spend. Narcissism has no place at blizz. Want an example?..Ghostcrawler. (if this upsets anyone just reply as such and I will take it down. It wasn’t my intention to upset anyone but to voice my opinion that might or might not be popular but since I’m a paying customer I thought I’d give my perspective and feedback via wall of text).


Gold sinks should be things like mounts. Purely cosmetic but can still be shown off. This pricing is so bad.

just another gold siphon.

That they’re doing the same quality of materials thing from DF means we’ll need considerably more space than ever before. -_-

It is a token money grab. Period. The end.

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The price is indeed terrible. Luckily, since they broke it so hard, the vast majority of the populace has yet to even see it on Live.

This leaves them time, while they fix whatever they broke, to fix this cost and reduce it to a more apt level. It is rather stupid that a staple thing of the expansion is going to cost a player 3M gold just to fully unlock. When did any staple feature of an expansion cost near that much? Never. It never has.

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A key feature, in this case, could just mean everyone gets the least expensive tabs. Unless there is an achievement connected, I likely won’t go beyond tab 3 unless I have a sudden influx of gold. Even if there was an achievement, I’d likely just work on it over the years to get.

You’re talking about a company that charges $80 for a digital cosmetic. Not the most egregious, but definitely up there on the greed spectrum. That mentality trickles down, which is why you have elitists trying to justify exorbitant storage-tab prices in a video game.


I did the Leather working shuffle i think near the very end to get my long boi. I was very lazy getting it lol

The cost for the last 2 tabs is so exorbitant that it looks less like a gold sink and more like a disincentive to use more than 3 because, perhaps, they’re worried about the extra storage causing game stability problems.

If that’s the case, a much better solution would be to only have 3 tabs for now and add extra ones once they’re confident that their spaghetti code can handle more.

Just a thought.

Anyone who thinks tons of people are going to shell out $160-$180 in real money for 98 slots of bank tab are not understanding that the tab would make way more money in tokens if it were more reasonably priced. Also, it won’t be the AH Goblins, because they would look at the bottom line, and if it will make them more money having it, or not having it. How many people do you think run nearly 300 items through the AH at any given time. The only ones left, really, are the people who have way more gold than they know what to do with, but also have a lot of items, and don’t think the tab is overpriced. So, like maybe .0001% of the WoW population will get the last tab or two.

So, who is the last tab for? Not for poor players, even if you have over 100 alts. Not for players with hardly any alts. Not for AH Goblins with less than 300 items in their rotating stock. Not for people who like to show off their shiny new bank tab in the town square.

Also, we should be done telling other people how to play, and what they need. You don’t know any of these people. While I agree with your intended use of the Warbank, I also acknowledge that other people will use it differently. Everyone has differing amounts of gold, and not everyone spends their game time trying to increase their net worth. We can all play the same game, and while some people buy pets, mounts, gear/transmogs, consumables, bags, whatever, others will hoard their gold until the next longboi comes around.

So TL;DR, please understand that not everyone will play the way you recommend, as not everyone likes that gameplay loop. It’s not a good gold sink, nor is it an effective token sales pitch.

Tab 4 and 5 are priced too high for no real reason, and only the richest players will have it. Others need it more, but won’t be able to afford it, for no real reason.

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It costs nothing to fill the slots with loot.

And I’ve been playing literally from the start, and I don’t believe I ever had a million gold. Not everyone here is grinding out massive gold. In fact, I bet the vast majority of players are like me in this regard.

Whatever their intent here, and the intent seems obvious, it’s a massive hit on the bulk of WoW players.

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Ahh dang. I was hoping there wasn’t going to be a repeat of this. Thanks for the info, though! I promise not to shoot the messenger :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah I don’t get the massive increase in tab price for the last tab or really the last 2-3 tabs.

I hate the quality thing they’re doing… with like no actual regard for the lack of space they give us.

Not a hill for me to die on either way. I can see myself buying the first two, maybe the third at most.

Moving gold and filling up one tab with cheap bags is all I plan to use it for, and I’m an alt aholic like no one’s business.

That said, I’d use the bank in creative ways if they made the tabs cheaper.

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With Dragonflight adding the reagent bag and bank, I was like, oh great, there will be so much extra room for stuff! And then each mat has 3 quality levels, negating much of that gain.

I wish there was a way to upgrade ranks. 2:1, 3:1 ….something like that.

At least with the warband bank, it should be easy enough to say, pull all the herbs out and put them into the alchemists regent bank.

I know we can already do this via the mail, but this will allow us to do so with fewer steps. So that’s a positive.

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No the Reagent bank was added with WoD not Dragon Flight…yes the reagent bag was added with Dragon Flight.

[Patch 6.0.2] 2014-10-14 is when the Reagent Bank was added.