Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

Because my main isn’t an enchanter. When I feel like playing my enchanter, then the stuff gets d/e. Then there’s all the toons in my 2 alt guilds.

Stockpiling massive amounts of trash gear in your bank that you clear out once a month isn’t really playing normally. Most people just vendor that stuff. What you are doing is being a wow hoarder.

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why do you care if people hoard?

I dont. But blizzard doesn’t have to cater to an atypical group of people that just stockpile stuff to let sit either. They put gold sinks in the game for a reason.

well with warbanks they just did so again WHATS THE PROBLEM?

There isnt…? Im literally saying the way Blizzard has it set up is fine. The people complaining about the price of tab 4 and 5 have the problem.

Btw, your caps lock got stuck.

Since that was clearly over your head, that was a sarcastic remark to you being unnecessarily rude.

wel idk you came off as being rude/mocking.

Nope. I hoard things myself. I had an entire bank guild full of stuff up until about a month ago. I sold most of it so i could start over fresh. My hoarding tendencies are my own problem and not blizzards. But i try to keep it as condensed and organized as possible. I will be saving for all of the bank tabs because i want them all. Gold sinks in the game serve a purpose.

Its none of your business how a player uses their professions it has Zero effect on you so why belittle them how they play…bet you like to pick on players that can only use steady flight and are upset about Pathfinder with TWW.

I keep tons of upgrade gear in one of my bank alts bank…the stuff you can make into a piece of gear, why cause I like to level up different classes and races to try them out…


most players will have 3 and that’s a lot.

If they did this they can’t get people to buy even more wow tokens.

I’m all for Gold Sinks but they really should be purely cosmetic and not effect gameplay like sure it’s not as bad as ESO and Fallout 76 which charge you real money for unlimited crafting material storage but it’s still not good.

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Im not belittling. And i dont care how you play.

As for the flight issue, people complaining that they should just do away with dynamic flight are wrong. I think both forms of flight should be auto unlocked on launch.

Disagreement isnt picking on people and you shouldn’t automatically take everything personally. Any other assertions youd like to make of my character?

Storage doesn’t affect gameplay. And in this case you have your bank, reagent bank, void storage, and at least 3 affordable guild bank sized tabs. Its a non issue.

Reagent bank is the same size as the guild tab btw

Yes it is. So basically everyone has access to the standard storage space as your average guild without having to beg for guild sigs.

Say that like people won’t still go round beggingforsignatures. Also forgot to add it above but Storage space is very much apart of Gameplay especially in RPGs if it wasn’t there wouldn’t be any reason to increase it.

If people still want an extra bank guild thats their choice. Storage is not gameplay, it just makes certain playstyles easier. People that go hard on professions and auction housing are more in need of the extra space. They alse tend the have more than enough gold to pay the set price.

The fact is anyone that wants the other tabs regardless of their gameplay have access to buying it. I dont care who buys it. Im just saying the price is fine. Gold sinks regulate gold inflation. Just save it for it.

Everyone needs way more extra space. How much clutter I have alone from DF. It’s a burden.