Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

On all of my character I’ve probably earn and spent no more than 250k gold for the entire expansion.


I get tab 5 being very expensive because at 5 tabs it’s a luxury item. However, the tab 2, 3, and 4 seem way to much of a jump.

Tab 1 is on point. If you have alts worth using it, you have 1k gold. But many casuals would struggle with 25k and over.

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kind of hard to believe because doing World quests on three characters in daily activities i make like 50k a week on each alt

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You think I’m doing dailies.


okay, but that’s like saying cars are out of reach for you because you don’t have $300K for a bentley. it’s not accurate, even if you feel you have to have a Bentley for some reason

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If you are playing every day 7 days a week, running dailies, I can see why you think 2.5 million is nothing.


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This is a good gold sink to work towards. It shouldn’t just be something you pick up because you’d just have the gold already by doing quests and dungeons. You need to be more active in the economy to build this gold to buy the tabs. I don’t understand how y’all don’t get that and most folks won’t need the last couple tabs anyways

i don’t play anywhere near that much, and will probably buy only 2-3 tabs myself.

why? because they’re not required. the warband bank feature does not function only if you buy all five tabs. you can buy one tab. everyone gets to enjoy it :slight_smile:

I mean yeah but JEff bezos was also a millionaire part of a wealthy family. Middle class people couldn’t have done what he did.

Because 99% of the stuff you can get that you would fill those slots with are free actually.

It’s more like if you bought a car but the trunk was blocked off and to access the whole trunk you needed to spend $300k.

If I ever had that much gold I’m not spending ito n 98 bank slots.

Oi they’re doing that bull again? I hate that…


It’s not going to effect the amount of gold in the world and will only limit average players from a feature.

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Thank you for proving my point. Start by buying one tab and soon you will rule the world.

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And he was a Private Equity guy who started Amazon with other high end finance guys. He wasn’t like Steve Jobs starting Apple in his Mom’s garage.

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what you saying about me? LETS GO DWARF!

Its basically a Need vs Want thing.
I want all the tabs but i probably wonʻt need all the tabs.

Who also came from a wealthy family lol

There is no such thing as a “self made billionaire” it’s a myth.

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I just play the game normally and I can definitely fill multiple guild banks with crafting items, food, potions, armor for d/e. I have 3 alliance guilds and 1 horde guild on 2 sister servers. The only people in these guilds are me, my husband who doesn’t play anymore and our daughter who also doesn’t play anymore. I have lots of old crafting items, low level items, rep items. I have enough for the 1st 3 bank tabs, but will probably never have enough for the other 2.

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how can you have played for 18 years and only have 500k , I made 3 million from professions alone this expansion ( total made this expansion about 7 million , total spent about 6 million so came away plus 1 million ) , I didnt get into the WoD gold mine, I dont play the AH , dont spend time on making gold , gold falls from the sky if you just play most parts of the game,

if you cant afford it then its just not for you . Every expansion has a gold sink --this is TWWs .

The only things that go in Warbank are stuff that needs to be shared between your alts - not any other stuff . You canty put soulbound stuff in there anyway so a lot of what each toon has collected cannot go into it - thats what a toons personal bank is for

what will teh average player put in it that wont fit in teh first three tabs ? -you cant put soulbound items in there , only things that can normally be shared between players .

So was dragonflight and I never had my reagent bank full , even though I treated my professions as an endgame - and you know why - I didnt horde junk - any rank 1 or 2 matts went straight on teh AH --why keep something you wont use

Why keep armor for D/E --why not just D/E it .

I swear people seem to be keeping a hell of a lot of stuff for no reason

Every week I completed profession quests on all of my characters, many of the gathering quests requiring level 2 materials. If I had sold them on the AH, I would end up having to re-farm those materials or buy them from said AH. I get that people feel like the way that they play the game is the only way to play or the right way to play, but everyone is different. Please don’t assume that everyone thinks, feels, or plays the same as you do. Something that is unecessary for you may be an absolute requirement for someone else.