Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

Meh, raise the price, lower the price, don’t care. I just stop reading the table at the price range I can afford, probably 3.

4 and 5, like the Brutosaur, out of sight, out of mind.

Hello Benaffilock! Welcome to WoW!

Since as you say you just started and cannot afford a single tab, might I recommend as a first goal to open all the bag slots on your regular per character bank? When you have filled that out on multiple toons, then you can start to worry about a warband bank tab. Otherwise even your cool gnomish hair cut wont be able to conceal your exploding headache!

warband tabs is the Oscar of gold sink for TWW not to mention an implied push of tokens to be purchased.

The tundra mammoth from wrath was like 18k gold, which was a lot of gold to have at the beginning of wrath.

That’s peanuts today when you can do dailies and dragon races for one day on one character and make 10-12k gold.

The yak in MoP was 120k gold. That was a lot of money at the beginning of MoP. It’s significantly more affordable today, and most everyone has one.

The cost of the final warnand bank tab might look expensive today, but who’s to say what that feels like 2-4 years from now.

Each tab has 98 slots. Say you get 3 of them right off the bat, 294 slots we didn’t have previously. It’s ok to work towards the last two over time.

We don’t even know if we need the last two slots right away. It might take time to fill up that space anyway, and we can save up while we do so.

In other words, these higher priced luxuries will become more effective gold sinks in time.

Outside of the last tab, I really don’t see an issue with the pricing. It’s not like you need this day one, it is something you are going to continue to upgrade through out TWW and probably beyond.

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These being easy to acquire now is not important to what we’re talking about. Their gold sinks are effectively null at this point.

Their price and the difficulty back then is important, but also it was way lower than the final bank tab. 2-4 years out is a silly thing. Blizzard could easily keep the tabs at a reasonable price now, then add new ones later that meet the advanced gold costs of the future. Making them unreasonable now is just silly with something that is actually supposed to be a player QoL option.

Also again I don’t want them to make the tabs free, and honestly I don’t think they should lower the price of the first few either (though I support the idea). The last 2-3 tabs though I think are overly priced and should be lowered, given the purpose and use of the warband bank.

Of course its ok to work over time, but its not ok for it to be so overpriced as to be beyond reach for the majority of all players.

Again, only asking for it to be reduced.

Given my guild banks that I use to sort, transfer, and contain mats alone, I know full well I can make use of all the tabs space. Thats just easy math. In my case mostly a logistics and sorting one sure, but its still pretty easy to tell what level of need I have. (Hell a few extra tabs would be even better.)

No, they’ll become a “good” gold sink at a specific time and then like they will start out, they will depreciate to little more than an annoyance in time. WoW’s inflation is entirely borked and gold sinks are silly concepts for it. There is no way to contain their economy if they keep at it the way they are and thus the gold sinks really ain’t helping.

Most of the pricing is perfectly fine.

Its the last 2-3 tabs that really are overpriced, and only really the last one that is exceptionally a problem.

Nor do I think we “need to have them day one”. Its still a ridiculously high cost for that last tab and a moderately inconvenient cost for the 1 to 2 proceeding it.

I don’t need all those tabs but people will probably feel bad to lack of completion. But a gold sink is nice to have in the game.

It’s no more out of reach than 5k gold for epic flying in BC was.

Daily quests give 600 to 1000 gold now. They used to give what, 12g?

I’m not sure how many of you have been testing the beta, but let me tell you my experience. I copied 8 characters over in order to test all of the professions. Over the course of a few weeks, I was able to fill all 5 tabs of the bank. I didn’t fill it with old materials, I filled it with the current expansion items and materials. It’s not just ore/herbs/leather/scales. It’s 3 different quality levels of each. It’s various reagents that you get out of the bags you earn from doing npc orders. It’s gear that you create that is warbound and boe gear. It’s meat and fish and potions, etc. The tabs fill up quickly. Now imagine you are doing this with an alt army of 60. You can say we don’t need all of the tabs, but I assure you that some of us do. I also don’t play the AH, so that would add even more need.


Honestly, when gold sinks are aimed at the wealthiest players, a great many causals won’t come close to affording it. That’s fine for extras, but this bank is supposed to be a core feature.

It just feels like another developer FU to casual players, something that happens all too often in this game


Calling this a gold sink feels weird. Not because it’s not expensive, I think it’s way too expensive, but because it won’t actually effect the gold going round. It’s just a gift to the rich players.


I have the Mighty Long Boi and I still won’t be buying all the slots…3+ million gold for some slots is a waste of gold…

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Funny Amazon started with a Garage way back when and stay like that for some time now…but look at it now…they own the world in Buying and shipping…

Those that could afford Mighty Long Boi when BfA came out did so cause they played the WoD and Legion game of Table AH making tons of gold off their missions boards with a 10+ team of alts…how I did it…and I walked into BfA day 1 and brought my Long Boi day 1 of BfA…

that’s not true at all. you do not need all 5 tabs in order to use the warbands bank feature.

250k? What is this? Cata? If you don’t have 2 million for a tab then how would you have enough stuff to fill that much space?

Another thing is you’re not thinking about the gold jump from Dragonflight to TWW. You’re going to be able to buy at least 3 tabs with just the gold from questing.

The prices for warbank seen very fair.

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  • Materials
  • Trade goods
  • Consumables
  • Equipment
  • Misc.




wait… does the game really require you to put each type of item in its own tab?

i mean, that’s how i’d like to organize mine too, but i didn’t think that was part of the system!

It’s not but that’s how I organize the guild bank.


that’s fair :slight_smile: but it’s hardly “out of reach of most players” with that in mind.