Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

It is ver much made for players who do nothing but farm gold 40 hours a week.

This is probably the real reason why these are the prices.

Iā€™m so tired of modern AAA game development.

I play about 10-15 hours a week and I have over a million gold. Itā€™s really not that hard to make, especially if you play a few alts. Donā€™t really see the need to buy all the tabs right off the bat anyways.

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I play roughly that too and have maybe less than $200k gold. I have never had a million gold and probably never will.

I donā€™t and will never grind.

A curious question, why do you feel that you need to have all of the tabs?

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To store various items that I want to make available to my various characters as they need them and do so in an organized way.

Throwing different types of items into a single tab can get messy. As is the case with the resources bank. Itā€™s a logistical nightmare.

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Yeah, ok, a bit of silly answer, but ā€œALLā€ of the tabs. If youā€™re truly ā€˜storingā€™ this much material, you must be making a killing on the AH and tab prices would not seem ridiculous. Orā€¦are you a hoarder, you just collect all of these mats and look at them all lined up in your bank?

While Iā€™m not going to begrudge blizzard for making the bank cost more for each tab, itā€™s a bit much for people to drop half a brutosaur on that last slot and kinda feels like something that would encourage bot farming.

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Iā€™d like to play the AH but itā€™s a logistical nightmare organizing and getting the mats from all of my different characters to the ones where it would make sense.

The problem isnā€™t really bank space as much as itā€™s storage organization and logistics.

Ok, you still havenā€™t really answered the question in terms of numbers. It term of simple economics, if youā€™re a company with $100,000 in annual revenue, you probably donā€™t need a 300,000 square foot manufacturing space. A company like GM on the other probably cannot run their business out of someoneā€™s garage.

I think this is something to think about before you start chucking even 500,000 gold down the drain, just because we feel like we want to own all the tabs.

This thread is silly.

The first 3 tabs are VERY affordable for anyone who is actually playing the game.

The last 2 are absolutely gold sinks, but thatā€™s the point of a gold sink. Large ticket items that sink gold from circulation.

3 million gold, over the course of an expansion isnā€™t that insane, if youā€™re playing and not wasting gold on silly things like popping potions in normal dungeons to flex.

Even very low effort farms will get you the gold if you work for it. Take mining/gathering on a character, or skinning/tailoring, and go grind resources to sell for the first few weeks. Most gathering grinds are 50-100k an hour early in an expansion.

30-60 hours of grinding isnā€™t a small amount of time, but spread over a few months, isnā€™t that big of an ask. That dino mount in BFA that required feeding/doing quests for it every day for 30 days was more time consuming tbh.

I have better things to do with my time than grind gold.

Iā€™ll take the cheesecakes

Especially strawberry:)

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It doesnā€™t take much to fill up a bank tab if everything is just dumped in a single one. The resource bank is just a jumble of items that are a nightmare to organize.

Also, the war and bank isnā€™t just storage, itā€™s about transfer from character to character as itā€™s needed. That means itā€™s got a higher rate of access. Organization to quickly find and move items is what is important, not just the storage itself, like the resource bank. The war and bank is more like the guild bank in this respect.

My guild bank is divided into logically organized tabs. One for mats, another for consumables, and another for gear.

Tabs are the organizational mechanism for logistics, not simply for more storage.


Sounds good, start saving your gold champ.

The guild bank is where it makes more sense for the inflated tab purchase rates since in an ideal world it would be the product of many players contribution rather than just one. Warband tabs can have some gold sink cost but the proposed ones are out of context and silly.

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I dont see the need either, but dont underestimate OCD some people suffer from. Some cant sleep well, start sweating, becoming aggressive etc.

No sweat involve. I donā€™t grind. I just play the game.

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I wonā€™t be saving gold. Iā€™m just going to play the game.

Itā€™s just disappointing that they decided to put the feature out of reach for most players.


im just really starting my retail adventure and i cant even afford the 2nd tab as it is lol, hell tab 1 that costs 1,000g is almost out of reach for me!

I did try going to the bank but it says some other character is using the warband bank which is abit puzzling to me, i thought they were not working/broken atm?