Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

The only large amount of Gold I have ever dropped in game is when BfA went live and I brought me on day 1 Mighty Long Boi mount…5 million gold…that is my one and only large gold sink ever…

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It’s consistent though with past costs. The last two Bank tabs in Vanilla cost 50 and 100 Gold.

That was a LOT of gold back then and most of us were using whatever gold we had to save for our first mount and training so that was a luxury we couldn’t afford right away.

100g was a lot but not unreasonable. That would be like the 200k now, not 2.5 million. By the time tBC came out I had 2 Epic mounts and they were 900g each.


How do i buy the tabs?

yea this pricing is complete bulllsh!t


You don’t right now …that bank is disabled.


Say wha? One of my alts is using my war bank. And when I found out who it is…


And less than 1% probably actually need it so who cares?

then you were in the minority.

and gold was a lot harder to get ahold of back in the day

Same here… The culprit’s pretty sneaky too. Still haven’t found out who it is, but when I do
I’ll hit them with delete. Well, it depends on who it is…lol


Turns out it was your third alt, but they say they were doing it at the behest of your main!

dun dun dun


Sorry the bank is such a disappointment Serenalynn. I was thinking of getting rid of my personal guild which can be a pain to keep track of who has what without an addon and thought great now Blizz has done something to make it fun, but they do have the proverbial habit of tossing flies in dessert. After all we can’t have anyone having too much fun. :unamused:

I’ve never owned 2.5 mil gold in my entire career. The highest I’ve ever had I think was around 600-700k.

Right now on all my chars combined I have 500k.

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Well I for one am not buying all those slots now in this Warbank aka Waitbank …as to me its a large waste of gold…I have other things to buy with my gold…I already have 5 private guild banks I take care of now…I might buy 1 or 2 slots but that is it.

Yeah 2 slots. Then MAYBE if I feel I need it a third. But likely never 4 and 5 until they lower the price.

I like the idea of a cost reduction based on the number of 80s you have. You get an xp reduction from 5% (1 80) to 25% (5 80’s) when you level alts.

A number of 80s could arguably mean a bigger warband and more need for the bank.

So 1 80 - no reduction
2 80s - 10% reduction
up to 9 80s - 80% reduction.

That would make the total cost at 80% reduction at about 600k for 5 tabs but 100k+ for 4 tabs, It would encourage levelling alts. It would encourage more playtime which is often encouraged by other mechanisms. And for people with say just 1 alt the argument would be their need for a warband bank is less.

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Is this an actual feature that exists? or a feature you want to exist?

And is it only from 70-80? or is it from 1-80?

It’s an actual feature. I think only 70-80.

This is a cut and paste from icy-veins…

  • Every time you reach max level (80) with a Warband character, you will receive +5% additional XP on alts, stacking up to 25%.

and the wowhead link…
Account-Wide Leveling Rewards in The War Within - New Bank Toy and Extra Experience Gains - Wowhead News

Neither site says 70-80, so indeed it could be for 1-80.


I would probably consider buying at least one tab for my Warband Bank…