Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

or maybe you can stop sucking off blizz and get on board with the players union here. WE DON’T WANT OVERPRICED FEATURES.


Hey if they wanna use me as the decision maker I got a lot more changes I’d like to submit.

Blizzard… Literally said this was about QoL.

Some of you aren’t even paying attention to what people are telling you and making grand assumptions.

Ya’ll kinda sound like you’re losing your heads.

Now I don’t think all of you are but sure seems some of you are.

Based on your average use of banking options currently or someone else’s?

I’m sure opinions will vary.

I don’t think it’s the place for a ridiculously high gold sink.

And again I’m only asking for it to be reduced… Not removed.

This is a lot like saying it’s arbitrary.

It may be a game design and it may be something that’s been done forever but the last 2-3 tabs price can still be ridiculous and people can still want that lowered.

Ah I see.

Hmm I should get the actually current alpha price up there for easier reference…

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nah, people need to learn they aren’t entitled to have everything in this game

It’s a game feature and the marketing revolves around it. You can’t fully access it with those prices.

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Friendly reminder that if your initial reaction to these tabs is to buy a WoW token, you are the problem.


3 tabs works for me. I still have a personal guild bank, but can use the tabs for crafting materials and warband gear. Anything else still fits on my guild bank or bank alt.

There tend to be some inflation between expansions. Maybe it will not be that bad when we get there.

you don’t need to “fully” access it. you as a paying subscriber have the same access to it that everyone else does. your single tab works the same way as the AH goblin’s 5th tab.

the feature isn’t broken just because you don’t have 100% use of it because of your own play choices. just like a raid tier isn’t broken just because you don’t get CE.


Quick check. Current token price is 290k

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Maybe yes, maybe no. We will see about it when the expansion hits the servers.

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Oh wow it’s already gone down a fair bit. Last I checked I think it was 300k or so.

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Can you stop spreading misinformation?

This feature is available for 1000g and it is for all your account, not only 4 characters.

Stop with your FUD.

What are you talking about? I spread misinformation about microwaves? Are you okay?

I dont wanna go back up and quote your bs.

Pretty sure that was just cause blizz worded it all kinda weird. I know a lot of people got the impression it was just the 4 on the screen.

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I think players are panicking for a feature that will be more than fine to use at 60-80%.

Oh, so you just have an inability to read or a comprehension problem. I get it. Here ill quote the relevant bit for you-

I was corrected, acknowledged the correction and moved on. And then you come in like a blowhard 17 hours later trying to make yourself look cool by replying to a conversation long past with your own inaccurate info.

Doesn’t change that you over-reacted like everyone else is over reacting to change.

You all need to take a chill pill.

No, it is not.

First of all, Quality of Life, in of itself, is a concept of well-being based on various elements of a person’s life (ie health).

Second of all, improving Quality of Life is about easing or fixing a deficit in a person’s sense of well-being, not making things easier for already fortunate/privileged and/or lazy, entitled people.

Using a microwave to make things faster and easier when that was unnecessary to your well-being means it is just a convenience.

Now, if using a microwave makes things faster and easier, allowing you, for example, time for self-care endeavors to improve flagging mental health, then it is a quality of life improvement.

Blizzard literally said it’s a QoL addition.