Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

How do you know that is a ridiculous price? The war within may inflate gold even more.

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I could also assume the the brutosaur mount is about to be sold for pennies but I tend to work with more likely scenarios.

No doubt gold will become minorly easier to acquire, usually goes up a bit to varying degrees in all expansions, but I doubt itā€™s going to make the last three tabs particularly easier to get.

Iā€™m only asking that the last 2-3 tabs be reduced to a more reasonable level.

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Both the alpha/and forum remake are unreasonable. Try again.

Disregard I see these figures are hypotheticals.

I am unsure what you mean in this regard? What am I to disregard?

Well, the 3rd party gold services will be back in business, lol

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blizzard once again shows itā€™s not about the player, itā€™s about MONEY. they are all about GREED GREED GREED. how much MONEY can we suck out of the average player. how many TOKENS can we get people to buy for this new ā€˜featureā€™. way to screw the pooch blizzard. you truly show us how much you donā€™t care. about done with this crap. always about freaking making sure they can sell tokens.

iā€™ll give you two super quick examples off the top of my head, and could probably find more if i cared to dig deeper :slight_smile:

hereā€™s somebody who thinks not having all 5 tabs unlocked immediately means the ā€œbasic banking functionsā€ do not work:

and hereā€™s somebody who thinks the entire feature is useless because they might not have all the tabs on day one:

I understand that there are a lot of long-time players swimming in gold; however, tailoring the prices of a highly anticipated feature to those players at the exclusion of casuals and especially newer players seems short-sighted.

Those 4th and 5th bank tabs should be a goal to work toward that most any player can achieve. 2.5 million is just ridiculous. Most players are going to look at that and decide they will never make enough to buy that.

I suck at math but wouldnā€™t a person have to buy about 8 tokens to pay for that 5th tab? At current WoW token prices? Thatā€™s a lot of real world cash for a bank tab, Blizzard. More than the entire game plus several months of subscribing.

How about making the last two tabs achievable for non gold farmers? And new players? Tabs 4 and 5 should at least be halved in cost.

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Neither of these people are saying what you just claimed?

This right here. This is the point.

That seems reasonable to me.

okay, blizzard. Fenelon says itā€™s reasonable, so make the changes.

you donā€™t need 4 tabs - 2 are reasonably priced and that gives you 160 extra spaces.
I have close to 50 million and I am active on the AH and I probably wonā€™t buy more than 3.

First off, it is not a quality of life, it is a convenience.

They are not the same thing.

For instance, for the average person to live near a grocery story for quick access to fresh food is a welcome convenience, whereas, for a low-income disabled person, living near a grocery store for cheaper, less arduous access to fresh food, it is an actual improvement in their quality of life.

Secondly, asking/demanding/shaming for the clearly ridiculously fifth high-priced storage space or fourth and fifth spaces, depending on your opinion, to be lowered so everyone has access implies everyone should be entitled to all five storage spaces right off the hop, instead of having to either ā€˜make doā€™ with ā€˜onlyā€™ two hundred and ninety-four slots (the amount purchasing the first three spaces will provide) or make a concerted effort to earn them.

Itā€™s that more! more! more! now! now! now! mentality at its worst.

And itā€™s even more egregious when you factor in all the other ways already in the game to increase storage like bank alts, void bank and/or creating a guild of your characters for access to a guild bank.

We are not losing it, we are pointing out that it is unnecessary outrage and why.

Two hundred and ninety-four slots is more than enough to take advantage of this feature.

Given how desperately people seem to want all five storage spaces when they donā€™t need them for game play, I would say it is the perfect place for such a significant gold sink :wink: .

Personally, since I canā€™t opt-put of Warband which would be my preference, I will get the first storage space and make use of its utility when working on a long-term multiple-mat project where some of the mats are gathered by other characters that may also need them for their own projects. The rest of the time, I will stick to my bank alts. Now that I have made a list of the type of items each have, it is easy to find everything and just mail mats back and forth for one-off items.


newer players have zero need for these really - they havenā€™t accumulated 50 characters and 14 years of stuff. One for $1000 is more than enough for them.

I donā€™t understand the thinking you have to have every tab just because it is there.

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Game design, do a thing get a reward. Bank space has required purchase since forever. And you may not agree with that but there are people who see it as a reward/investment like anything else.

The idea itā€™s a ā€˜goodā€™ reason is often used to make ideas you donā€™t agree with bad and creating a narrative, I hope this is not how you are constructing your discussion.


Thatā€¦thats what Quality of Life isā€¦convenience. A microwave improves your QoL because its more convenient to microwave a meal for 2mins than it is to prep and cook for 2 hours. I mean thatā€™s literally what QoL is all about.

I saw the prices in your first post and thought they were finalized. I see everything in the topic is hypothetical.

At this point I think Blizzard should just copy ffxivs class system.

We have barbers to change appearance, bank tabs will now be account wide, skills and specs can be changed with no consequence.

Why not just make it where you can change your class, faction and race too.

That way you donā€™t need a character select screen.

and blizzard doesnā€™t need to be greedy. youā€™re probably in the 1 percent if you have 50 million, iā€™ve never seen more than 4 at a time. and thatā€™s with tokens. i certainly donā€™t wish to spend 2/3 of my gold on this ā€œfeatureā€ and iā€™m sure no one else does either.


then donā€™t - for $1000 gold you get 80+ spaces you never had before.

I call it ā€œa good start.ā€ I have two personal guilds with all Guild Vault slots unlocked, and they are almost always completely full. Would you like to know how many crafting materials there are, not including crafted crafting materials? How many meat, fish, eggs, herbs, ore, bars, gems, cloths, skins, furs, scales, shards, dusts, there are in this game? If a player has, say, an Access database and an Excel spreadsheet just to keep track of which characters have which professions, and what level that profession is, and which patterns (recipes, designs, etc) in the bank can be used by whom, along with what server they are on, just to be sure whether to keep or sell an item, and all of the running back and forth from Guild Vault to trainer for each character. Now imagine that there is a way to condense that storage onto an account-wide reagent bank, and be able to craft directly at their preferred trainer. Imagine that the Guild Vaults could be emptied into this new space, and the only things left in there would be [Inky Black Potion]s, old Zandalar coins from ZG, AQ tokens, and other non-crafting items.

Now, imagine that the space is so expensive, that you most likely canā€™t use it in the same way, because over half of the slots are priced out of your range. Iā€™ll make the best use of it that I can, deciding if I just keep the TWW mats in there, or if Iā€™ll eventually get it because the price gets dropped.

Thatā€™s the real reason we are bringing up our dissatisfaction. We are not outraged. Me, Iā€™m more befuddled. :wink: