Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

I have 19 toons on my account across 3 guilds, all on one server. Discounting my raiding guilds guild bank, my two personal guild banks with max tabs are both full. Void storage on my old paladin main is full. My monk here’s bank and reagent bank is full and im sporting 34 slot bags in all my banks on all my toons. But please tell me again how people wont fill up a 80 slots, or 240 slots, or whatever.

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Maybe sell your grey and useless items?

More like $800… and that night happens to be the last night he lives type of thing…

Again, your making assumptions based on…I dunno what. Maybe “farming rares” was too vague a statement. I will clarify, the vast majority of his time playing is done running old content, killing rares for rare drops, and farming. Does that make it easier for you to grasp?

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Why do you think I have greys or “useless items”? You like to assume an awful lot don’t you?

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Then just from selling bops he should have enough. His poor money managemnt doesnt mean they need to ruin a new feature.

Does he hoard all his bops like you or something?

Ruining a new feature by asking for it to be affordable? Ok, well then, good talk. Have a great day!


Its affordable? its an account wide thing. Thats there forever, you create 10 new alts they still have everything you unlocked.

okay, but he still got his wish. it wasn’t a hotel room full of scorpions or something.

I wish some people did get a hotel room full of scorpions, or at minimum a motor lodge full of bed bugs. I call those people “executives”

hey, what did i do :crying_cat_face:

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Point to where I said it was a companies responsibility to make sure people are not spending their money. You cannot because I never said or implied that. What I did say is that I would respect the hustle more if they had some integrity with it. Most consumers like to deal with companies that treat their customers with integrity. What Blizzard is doing with this is making a round about way of charging people real money on the back end instead just coming out with a cash shop charge. They also know they could make more money this way because people would have to buy multiple $25 tokens instead of one cheaper flat price. While also avoiding any negative push back from the player base for outright selling access to the tab.

I didn’t know you’re an executive! I apologize then. I meant those other executives over there by the coffee machine


Right… but with Monkey Paw there is always a catch… a major one. That is pretty much Blizzard… I personally call it corrupt-a-wish, but monkey paw is what seems to stick on these forums now-a-days.

The price is too damn high! :triumph:


one thing is for certain… they’ve proven our claims true that they develop content to sell tokens. there is absolutely no more denying it with a ‘Lore half laugh and an Ion snicker’

Yeah it does give off this rich only vibe. I don’t even want to farm that much gold. It’d be all I was doing in game.


You could have read any of our arguments.

Love the idea that asking for a reduction in price for a clearly ridiculously high priced QoL option means I’m entitled.

  1. I do remember. Been here since launch.

  2. not losing my mind at all.

  3. it really feels, to me, it’s the crowd against a simple price reduction losing it.

Ya’ll, you’re not special.

No problem with the first two at all, I’m mostly talking about the last two (to three).

My argument is fine.

Uhm? What explain?

How have I misrepresented literally saying it’s the last few I think should be reduced in price?


You… Don’t? Were you not actually around?

Irrelevant to what we’re talking about though.

Honestly I get them being pricier due to the convenience angle. But what they’re doing with the prices here is ridiculous.

Dude you can misrepresent the argument all you want just makes you look the fool.

I mean… That would help… Oddly…

I do kinda feel like the price will reduce the amount of players willing to switch over…

I… See you claiming they’re saying that.

I see most folk saying they’re not seeing the worth of the feature if they have to pay out that much to get what they already have with an extra ability or two.

The… Problem isn’t the first tab…

Walls the lot of you…

Oh yeah that’s ever worked in wow.

Aye… Though I feel this is a general issue in wow. Space has always needlessly been at a premium. Like our reagent banks have always been a joke especially with DF’s profession materials. It’s gotten more and more ridiculous over time.

I do wish it were far larger per tab.

This they did answer and it’s a yes!

Given the nature of the feature it’s not the place for such a significant gold sink…

Yeah not what we’re arguing. Rofl

You not reading again if that’s what you’re getting out of this…

… The point of this thread is that the final 2-3 tabs are over priced and should be reduced.

Reducing the price of the last 2-3 tabs ruins the feature?

Didn’t listen, didn’t read, didn’t argue in good faith, made bombastic assumptions…

Like the amount of times you’ve just assumed what the issue is and pretended what folk are saying alone…


This one at least let’s us choose how much to sink. Think of it as a tax on completionists. I cannot think of anything in WoW that makes those most expensive tabs necessary. But hey, if they make some players happy, and those players have gold to sink, they can subsidize some nice Blizz artists to keep making pretty screen art for us. :slight_smile:

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Has anyone stopped to think the cost for the last tab is so high BECAUSE there are few actual gold sinks in the game? or that the gold will come out of the total gold one has available from the warband pool?

Those with a lot of alts they play on a regular basis, or have alts they play the AH with, are likely multimillionaires when it comes to how much gold the warband has. Personally, I have over 11m combined with all toons (13) on my “main server” add the alts on others servers I have and who knows how much that total is.

Not saying the cost is unreasonable or that they could not reduce it, but there could be some method behind the madness people are not seeing due to just looking at the cost.