Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

There are some people who don’t want to pay but most people just don’t like the amount of the last two tabs. What I don’t like Blizzard setting up a situation where they stand to benefit so much from selling gold to players so they can buy these tabs. Right now the token is sitting at 295k but as people flood the market trying to get gold that price is going to drop. As of now people are looking at 10 tokens to get everything, so what $250. That number will change and not for the better.

Blizzard is a company and making money is their game but I at least would have more respect for the hustle if the allowed people to either by it for gold or pay a flat $25 to open the last tab. This was also my problem with them setting vendor profession mats so high this xpac as well. Ultimately Blizzard knows how much gold the average player has and setting prices this high is a trashy cash grab in a game we pay a sub for.


then they can vote with their wallets, right? blizzard will notice nobody is buying those last two tabs and adjust the price accordingly :slight_smile:

I saw somewhere, I can’t recall where now because info is being spewed out rapidly since Alpha, that gold cap is being potentially raised to 100 million per character which to me is a bad sign.

Back in TBC you could purchase a Zul’Aman “bear run” to get the mount on A52 for 5000g. In WoD I bought the Mythic Blackhand mount, Ironhoof Destroyer, for 50,000 gold. In Dragonflight, a Anu’relos, Flame’s Guidance carry is going for 20 million gold. Every expansion the cost of everything increases at a stupid rate. I agree we need gold sinks, yes 100% I will not deny that. But at the same time with the “free gold” players had coming out of WoD, and now the dubiousness of Blizzard selling gold directly to the player, there aren’t enough good gold sinks to remove gold from the economy. 2.5 million gold bank tabs aren’t a good gold sink as it will be out of reach for the vast majority of players and to the players who can afford it, its a pittance that they will quickly recover from. Thats the opposite effect a gold sink should have. A gold sink should be reachable by the majority of players and shouldn’t be something you just overcome in a month (or via buying more tokens).


someone had to pay for those guild bank tabs…

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“no that’s different because you can still use the guild bank even if you don’t unlock all the tabs”


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welp… posting gifs isn’t going to get this done.

i’m gonna go make some gold.

Nope, I fully understand. I don’t see an issue with putting my characters in one guild. It’s what I already do minus the cross-realm, which I’ll get in TWW.

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If the Warband bank tabs were the same cost as the guild bank tabs, I’d be happy.

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Unless you are a hoarder, there will be a very very low chance that most wow players will fill even 2 tabs all the way. Especially with the changes to bags and pile stacks being increased. not to mention character banks with reagent tabs too, AND void storage.

why should they cost the same? they’re not the same thing.

You’re right, Warband should cost less. But the same cost would be acceptable to me.

I’m hoping that the pricing is just place holder… but knowing Blizzard I’m probably oh so very wrong.

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No… there are classes that I simply cannot play due to how bad I hate the play style.

Honestly my concern is the lack of space… Not even 100 spaces per tab. People like me are going to use it for warehousing crafting supplies and I seriously don’t think that would be enough. I know it wasn’t close to enough in SWTOR back in the day. I had all of the different profs maxed out with all of the materials and it wasn’t nearly enough space… I still had to keep stuff in each characters cargo hold.

Other questions that they haven’t answered is are we going to be able craft from it like we can our current mats storage? Again this is something I was able to do in SWTOR YEARS ago.

In my opinion, Blizzard really needs to up their game, specially if they’re going to charge those rates.

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it’s meant for storing supplies you might actually need across multiple characters. it is not meant as void storage for crab meat from a decade ago.

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Have you ever had decade old crab meat? Its a delicacy in Teldrassil when cooked over a wood fire…


That sounds great and but voting with your wallet only works when there is a mass consensus to do so. We like to throw around vote with your wallets but getting a large enough part of the player base to take part is hard. Blizzard also knows that some people are going to buy that shiny no matter what.

Blizzard has all the data and this is a calculated move. I am not against having the option to buy it with gold or from the cash shop. What I am against is treating this as if some players are not going to spend a crazy amount of real money on this when they could set a reasonable price.

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oh, okay. you said

and i must have misunderstood. my bad!

I just want to go on record that I do not collect gold. I don’t horde gold, and I don’t have much. I spend it on things I want, whether mounts, pets, transmog, etc. I also have lots of alts, so this feature is very beneficial to me, personally. To know that I might never be able to fully utilize it, and stick with my personal guilds, is disheartening.

Even if the prices aren’t universally lowered, I do like the idea of using account-wide achievements to lower the cost. Take things like [Two Sides To Every Tale] or other all classes to x type achievements, and knock off like 10% per universal achievement.

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but you can still utilize it, right?