Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

Idk looks pretty generous in size for me. This is stuff that can be shared between alts right? So basically gear, food, and whatever else.

No, thats I think a misconception due to how Blizzard fails to word things.

Its between ALL your toons, the 4 are just the ones you see on the screen.

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I will be honest, I’m not 100% sure if it’s all your characters or just those in the Warband. It’s still kinda vague.

if its the latter than its complete garbage.

according the the quote, its per region, so all the characters, across multiple servers and even WoW accounts (if you have them attached to single bnet account)

It’s important to note that your Warband is limited to characters within a single region (i.e., Americas, Europe, Korea, Taiwan) but spans every realm, faction, and even subscription you may have within that region


good for that much it better be.

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Everyone gets 2 tabs effectively for free. Entirely fine.

You don’t REQUIRE the last 3 tabs at all. Turn off completionist brain.

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We’re taking about the last three mostly. They’re exorbitant expenses for no reason. They should not be.

Turn off elitist brain.


Why shouldn’t they be expensive? Even the most poverty-stricken players will easily get 196 slots. No one is getting locked out of the ability to store and transfer stuff crossrealm.

The last 294 are definitely a non-essential luxury item. What is there to even store in those except every last useless fish and piece of cloth that’s going to sit there unused until the end of time. Wasting db space on trivial junk like that certainly should cost ya.

And I say that as someone who collects gray trash items that are all “it’s just a rock, why does this have any value.”


i dont know what id even put in an account wide bank

bonus mounts? so i can link them in chat

Of all the things to over monetize, any banking shouldn’t be it

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Why should they be expensive?

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You could read the 2 following sentences. Maybe.

Yup let make this the way it is, crazy expensive is a no go.

Expansion should be free and no 3 day early access if they’re gonna try to get people to buy tokens too

Gold sink’s gonna gold sink.

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Buddy. You have no idea.

I’d show a screenshot of my bank, but I lost trust level 3 cause blizzard fixed the bug that gave beta testers TL3 nigh-permanently. :frowning:

Let’s just say that I have four different sets of gear in my bank and leave it at that.


I think it should be reduced even further. Although gold is easy to come by, some maybe saving up gold for some of the more expensive mounts that are still available or for those who really don’t farm the gold and don’t have a lot.

Tab Cost
Tab 1 500
Tab 2 1,000
Tab 3 2,000
Tab 4 5,000
Tab 5 10,000
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I think Blizz are the entitled ones if they think I’m spending that kind of gold on that last tab. :rofl:

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I said “basically zero” not “zero”. I even gave a time frame on how quickly you could earn the gold to buy the first two tabs.