Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

An advantage in game that costs an exhorborent amount of gold for the average player in a game with purchaseable gold for real money, yes it is.

Thereā€™s already a free option - the mail box.


All of a sudden itā€™s going to give you an edge over other players and make you a better playerā€¦ get a grip.

Exactly, everyone can afford that.

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Which means that putting a price on this is odd when Blizzard already has a free option.

Itā€™s a gold sink, everyone isnā€™t meant to play with gold sinks.

Theyā€™re hyping up Warbands as a major new feature, so the first tab should be free.


Where do you get entitled? It has zero to do with entitlement. You are basically arguing that a new player coming into WoW next expac shouldnā€™t be able to access this QoL feature becauseā€¦I donā€™t know why? Are bank tabs prestigious to you? Is there some weird achievement for buying these bank tabs and you get a title? a special mount? Does Ion give you a trophy? What is your logical rational argument? Why would ANYONE be against allowing everyone equal access to a QoL feature. Again, not saying it needs to be free, but make it reasonable. Right now, not reasonable.

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We arenā€™t talking about the first tab. The first tab can be bought with a few world quests.

I think the last tab is there to be absurd and wonā€™t realistically be ā€˜neededā€™ by folks.
Maybe make it like 1 mill or just 500k again

Yeah, housing would definitely be an effective one. Though I wonder how people would react if the only place they could afford a house was the oil field in the barrens instead of smack dab next to the sunwell (especially if it was a recurring cost like rent or property taxes instead of just buying a plot of land), or repair from a random elemental storm or kobold raid.

A new player isnā€™t entitled to everything the game offers, just like an old players isnā€™t entitled to everything.

Gold sinks arenā€™t meant to be reasonable.

And another one for the block list. I swear, maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m pushing 50, maybe its the sense of fairness instilled in me during my time in the Army, but I just canā€™t with people like you. Iā€™m done. Have fun at parties!

Have fun filling that block list up with people who disagree with you. Also, news flash, nobody cares who you ignore.

Then thatā€™s good enough in my eyes.

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How easy is gold making in TWW?

Expecting anyone to farm out 3.1million gold for bank tabs either means gold is going to be heavily inflated or thereā€™s an expectation for us to buy token, either way it sounds like a great downfall of the economy in WoW. Understanding that itā€™s Alpha and subject to change I would highly recommend reconsidering the entire price structure on offer. I feel like 100k is pushing it, 31 times that feels a bit distressing. I do expect this to be nowhere near the final number, but if it ends up being such it might be worth reconsidering my preorder and sub, as it feels disrespectful to my time and effort Iā€™ve put in to make the gold I have.

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Good pointsā€¦

The first one would be relatively restrictive for new players locking this out entirely for a time.

I agree the first one should be either a pittance of like 50g or free.

Again though the last three are really the main problem.

I imagine theyā€™d respond poorly in general cause that still sucks when all the gold is made up and has no real value. (Until Tokens get involved but thats a whole thingā€¦)

Again though its fine for them to want to charge for this but really its too much on those last few.

Old gods we pay a sub. lol Youā€™re treating QoL features like people should need to beg for it.

Theyā€¦should be? Like their point is to remove money from the system but if only a small portion of the population can afford the cost to remove that gold its not really working that wellā€¦ people who can afford to just toss 2.5 mil gold arenā€™t probably going to have issues getting that amount laterā€¦

Thats more like a minor fine for the richer players.

I actually put them on ignore the second or third post to meā€¦ theyā€™re not really here to be reasonable and talk. They just want to be elitist I thinkā€¦ I donā€™t know.


With those prices for those tabs I can see many players just buying either 3 or 4 and thatā€™s itā€¦knows that is it for meā€¦Iā€™ll stick with 3 for now ā€¦I already have 5 personal guild banks in game now.

25k gold is not zero.

wait minute this is just between 4 characters? okay yeah for me this feature is now garbage.