Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

Nah I was there. Thats part of the good bit where they seem to start to get it. But they made it oddly restrictive for like public stuff with little reason to do that. Also I think they need to make it so you can turn profession gear into tier. shrug

Like they’ve gotten better but they’re not great.

Gold Sinks just haven’t really been doing much to keep that down though and it just ends up restricting certain things like this.


And like I’ve been saying I don’t mind there being gold used to buy em. Its just really high honestly.

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ok, on one hand, yeah, it would be nice if they were cheaper… on the other hand, you scared me there for a moment, I thought the FIRST tab cost that much, but its just last one. whew. as long as at least couple of tabs are accessible to pretty much anyone, I don’t think its horrible to have last few serving as gold sinks. IMO.

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Sorry about the scare.

Honestly I think the last one and the one before it are the ones that should be changed. Possibly the third to last one.

And only reduced. I don’t, as some seem to think, want them just free.

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its my own fault, TBH. I saw the screencap at the top, went - holy moley then kept reading and realized my error :stuck_out_tongue:

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I would’ve honestly preferred some sort of unlimited crafting bank tbh


Sorry but as long as the game has wow tokens this kinda stuff is not okay lmao

It’s because they haven’t done effective ones. They have to be somewhat recurring or very compelling to get people to spend the gold. With the gold cap seemingly being upped to 100m, I’m hopeful that the BMAH will take some gold out of the economy when tigers and brutos are suddenly going for 50, 60 or 99m instead of 10m

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I don’t see myself filling up one.

So we shouldn’t have gold sinks just because there are tokens?

Mounts are gold sinks, this is a gameplay feature

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This is a gold sink also. It’s a completely optional bank tab. If you can’t afford it then you can’t afford it. Everything in WoW isn’t meant for every player.


I can’t wait until Midnights when its 200k to get your Mythic key each week, or 500k to do a wing of LFR because GOLD SINK right? I mean, absolutely no ethical conflict there that Blizz just happens to sell tokens because GOLD SINK! Do you hear yourself? And don’t think that it’s not a possibility, EA wanted to charge people a $1 everytime they reloaded their weapon, a game play feature, in Battlefield.

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Have some self control and don’t buy a bunch of tokens then. Blizzard isn’t going to charge players to do LFR or run a key lol.

I wish they had something more like GW2’s…

Housing. That makes me think of housing. lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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Its a pay to win gold sink, yes you are correct

Except for the part that you aren’t winning anything, sure.


I swear that price better be a play holder.

I have more than enough gold. Way more than enough. I’m not worried about me. I am concerned with seeing gameplay features being basically paywalled and then people like you saying “Oh hey its cool that it’s a couple million gold GOLD SINK for a few bank tabs. not everyone needs access to a shared bank when one of the KEY FEATURES of the expansion is being able to group your characters up for QoL.” I’m not asking for them to be free, I want to see them a reasonable cost for the average player. It’s not a vanity item like a Brutosaur. It’s a bank tab.

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… Or you can just mail stuff to your alts like we already do since Warband bound until equipped items can be mailed.

This price is entirely pointless to have as it just saves you time from using the mailbox.

A bank tab that everyone isn’t entitled to. Everything isn’t meant for everyone.

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