Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

One of the most frustrating comments I have seen in an age. QoL improvements should be for everyone.

This feature, which had everyone excited, is yet another example of both only being for the wealthy player (eg the Lariat) and yet another entircement to buy Tokens. If the latter point were anymore obvious, it would be come with dollar signs.

Blizzard, I am very disappointed with you.


2.5 million gold for something isnā€™t as much of a gold sink as you think it is.

In this case, a handful of very wealthy players may dump a large portion of their gold reserves into this one vendor, but thatā€™s ultimately a blip in the grand scheme of the WoW economy.

Thatā€™s in regard to the 2 million gold mount they added back in Legion.

bank space IS available to everyone, so Iā€™m not even sure what youā€™re getting at

And just to put out my idea:

Tab 1: 1,000 gold
Tab 2: 25,000 gold
Tab 3: 100,000 gold
Tab 4: 200,000 gold also requires leveling 6 different classes to level 80.
Tab 5: 300,000 gold also requires leveling all classes to level 80.

Also, you get a 5% increase (up to 25%) for leveling up characters. So it wouldnā€™t be that bad to get them all up. And if you really care about the space, then youā€™ll have plenty of characters ready to go.

The Brutosaur was a gold sink vanity mount. This isnā€™t. This is an element tied directly to part of an advertised expansion feature. It would be like charging us to for each 2000 gold new M+ key we do, or 1 million gold each new tier to raid. I have no issue with paying a fee for each tab, ive done it 18 times on all my alts, and 2 different guild banks, and void storage (what a waste that was) but those are reasonably priced for what they are. 3,126,000 gold for what amounts to 5 guild bank tabs is ridiculous.

Then donā€™t sell them when they sell gold

Cause people are being reasonable and youā€™re trying your hardest to make it seem unreasonable. lol

Honestly I think gold sinks are ridiculous on their own. I get why they make em but likeā€¦ Its not a responsible way to control your economy. Honestly the best things they could do for their economy is give people more reasons to use professions and the products of those profession which it always feels like theyā€™re starting to get that then fail to understand it has to go all the way to endgame.

Which really only highlights how stupid this is.

Its not a gold sink big enough to affect the people who have the significant gold levels that theyā€™re trying to ā€œsinkā€.

Just ends up being a burden to other people.

This honestly seems really reasonable.

I like it.

If you arenā€™t into gold making or farming. Then why do you need 5 tabs? One or two should be plenty for you.

Soā€¦ I can have Warband tabs AND personal guild bank tabs?

I got plenty of reason.

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Each warband bank tab is the same as a characterā€™s reagent bank - 98 slots. On the surface that seems pretty decent, assuming you are using it for materials storage. That gives you 98 x a 1000 stack consumable (eg herb, ore, leather, etc). Problem is, there are a lot of consumables in the game.

  • ore
  • herbs
  • cloth
  • fish
  • meats
  • Skins and leather
  • enchanting materials
  • inscription materials
  • threads etc
  • gems
  • engineering parts
  • alchemy ingredients
  • blacksmithing materials
  • archaeology bonus items
  • special vendor and other misc items

And all of those things are from every expansion from vanilla up to today.

If you happen to be the kind of person that works on multiple aspects of the game across multiple characters, that one tab will fill up very fast. Remember: even depositing one type of one gem to the tab takes up one space.

Then you have all the other items that can be stored there for access by your alts. Things like unbound gear and items that you want to store for access by alts on other servers.

I think most people who have checked out ESO would agree that it is a heavily monetized game. However, if you subscribe to it, included in that subscription is a literally bottomless Craft Bag, which is account wide. All gathered materials are automatically deposited to it for access by your characters. If ESO can manage to do that without a separate hefty charge, why canā€™t WoW?


I like the idea of squeezing $$ out of players for game features. maybe 50k per player to unlock a raid tier? A new bg with a cover charge?


nah, that would be beyond the pale.

With the way Pyri seems to work that would be right up their alley!

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Just a casual 2.5 mil

okay, link me to the thread where youā€™re complaining about having to buy the original bank slots (which also cost gold to unlock). Iā€™ll post my apology there.

The original bank tabs (and void storage) was vastly less expensive than this is. Setting up a guild bank just for whatever you need to store is way cheaper than this. These tabs are way overpriced with their only advantage being shared between 4 characters? Thats insane. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it, but youā€™re being a contrarian just to be a contrarian.

  1. I havenā€™t asked for any of this to be free.
  2. I wasnā€™t posting on the forums back then, though I was playing and I do think its odd to have to purchase them as a gold sink. Even back then those really were pitiful concepts for controlling the economy.

You appear to, again, not be paying attention to what Iā€™m saying.

This, though minor correction.

You are not limited to your four characters I donā€™t think. Those are just the ones you get to see arranged on the screen.


I wasnā€™t sure myself because so far everything has been vague in that regard. Itā€™s still a large amount of gold. I remember last year on r/wownoob (I know, i know) some asked what the average amount of gold most players have and most people who responded said they hovered around 200-300k, which makes sense as thatā€™s normally around where a WoW Token sits in price. I have guildies who have 20-30k tops on hand and buy a token as needed, and I also know thereā€™s people with gold cap 4 times over. Player owned gold more than likely varies wildly but Iā€™d venture that alot of players hover around the lower end than those who do at the gold cap end. So Blizz making this awesome new QoL addition tied to new expansion features and pricing it like they have as of right now (its Alpha so everything can change) just feels pretty bad.

You need gold sinks to counteract inflation. You have to be taking gold out of circulation or it piles up.

Did you miss the dragonflight profession update?

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