Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

do you have an example? you don’t need to buy all the tabs. the fifth tab and the first tab work exactly the same way.

I agree with the OP. I was happy they were introducing account-wide banks, something that most other games already have, but this kind of basic quality of life feature should be accessible to everyone and not just the ultra rich. The people trying to claim that bank space of all things should be some kind of reward for achieving in-game wealth are ridiculous.


I’ll never afford it. I’ve played since TBC and never once had 1 million gold and for a tab in bank space for a guy who doesn’t horde things and has plenty of bank space…this is stupid high and I’ll pass xD

We all know blizz is doing this to get more wow token sales…they ain’t fooling anyone.

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The regular players can still get 3 of the tabs fairly easy.

I do agree that the last tab needs changing, but people keep acting like the whole thing is locked away if they can’t buy all five tabs.

It’s just a stupid high price for literally no reason.

Just needs to come down to a reasonable level.

Not sure why that’s such a big hot take.


I saw it and thought, man, I could purchase 10 WoW tokens to sell for gold in a lot less time than it would take to earn this much in-game… and then I realized I’d fallen right into their trap.

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And I’m not disagreeing with you on that. It’s just silly how many people are acting like the whole system is locked away just because they can’t afford the last tab.

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Just like a micro transactions phone game Diablo immortal. Only you have to buy a bunch of wow tokens.

It’s really the only reason to have this high. Pretty shameless.

There’s no good reason why any of it should be locked away though. That’s why I and others are criticizing it.

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Whoa, that’s a whale feature if I ever saw one.

Can’t say I’ll be using this at all, regular banks and mailboxes work just fine.

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there’s no good reason i shouldn’t just have max ilvl gear immediately when season 4 launches.

oh, this is fun!

you can’t afford 1k gold or whatever for the first slot? add me in game, I’ll hook you up

Lol mostly talking about that last tab.

Tbh, I don’t even think I’ll need a warband tab, have been doing just fine without 'em lol.

2.5 million gold and it’s not even a cosmetic, smh.

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And I’m arguing it should be changed. Just asking people to tone down on the doom and gloom a bit.

No, there is plenty of good reason why you shouldn’t have max level gear when season 4 launches. Which of course you know perfectly well. You’re implying that there is a good reason why bank space should not be available to everyone, so why don’t you explain what that is in a straightforward way rather than being obnoxiously sarcastic?

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Why do I have the feeling that your cat was woken up by your announcement?:smiley:

For those saying ‘it’s not for everyone’.

It’s literally a widely advertised expansion feature. Locking a full unlock of it behind a big gold sink is gonna get a poor response because of that fact.


Locking one tab behind a ridiculous gold price isn’t killing the whole feature. You can still get 294 account-wide slots pretty easily. The fourth tab will take some work and raise it to 392.

I’ll reiterate again that I do think the final tab should be lowered (with an additional achievement tied to unlocking it), but people need to seriously stop acting like the whole thing is useless if they can’t get all five tabs.


Yea, 99% of people won’t need beyond 1-3 tabs

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It’s a gold sink.

No matter what blizzard uses as a gold sink, the forum response is “gold sinks are fine but not THIS gold sink, the gold sink should be somewhere else”