Warband Currency Transfer Temporarily Disabled -- August 14

Just as i started farming the Azarothian Archives currency to buy a bunch of transmog items I cant transfer them to the character i want to use to purchase anything :frowning: (and fix the damn Shadow Priest artifact weapon quest bug - no NPC is at the turn in point because Moira is tied up with WW pre patch)

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either you’re new, or have a very short memory.

going “full karen” doesn’t help to fix things any faster.


when is it gonna be ready??


Finished leveling all my alts to 70. Hopefully this gets fixed before the expansion starts.


Well this is exactly what i was looking for. I hope it gets fixed asap, very helpful for using pre-patch event to gear alts but also just to centralize currency on mains.

Finally leveled a few alts and just freaked out in game over this because I thought I lost my mind. Blizz, get on this, the whole point of doing prepatch is leveling alts.

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You just need to drag them over. Its greyed out probably to avoid accidentally dropping them in there and losing the refund timer. Its a UI thing nothing more. Been doing it all week

Not even then. Mailed to an alt so they can out in bank but apparently the timer stick with it even if it is not displayed. When I mailed it back the time appeared again amd was able to actually refund it.

This is holding me back from setting up my ret, i was planning on coming back. Almost forcing me to farm again on my ret partially geared or just pray they fix it in time.

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Fix this now. I pay too much for too many accounts to be screwed over like this.

A bit disconnected from everybody else - but I do echo everyone else’s intention here. C’mon!

I just spent the last three days farming rep for Wrath, and just got Silver Covenant exalted and I want the tabard. Can’t buy it though, because I can’t transfer marks. Come on now.

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confirmed. I’ve been doing this.


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Into day 3 of the problem and still no update. Why not just take DIS off the warband currency list. Its moot for them anyway with warband rep, they only needed to be moved around to buy rep items on another character and now your whole warband is at the same renown. This is killing people trying to get geared and items from the prepatch.

So long as you have it fixed before i lose my timelost coins on my Remix mage i wont be upset :). I wasnt going to worry about it since they were being converted, until you posted that only gold would be saved. So yes please fix soon

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No communication and no fix. Keep up the good work.

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Everyone seems to be in mutual agreement that disabling this outright was the wrong choice to make. I have 25+ toons not including my remix character I made… It has already become a mad dash to the end where I highly doubt i’ll even be able to gear all my toons threw the prepatch event because of how much currency I can reasonably farm in a day… Now I can’t even move currency to finish gear sets toons already have started. If you’re going to do this type of disabling… You really should open up the other gear sets on the vendor so that my DH (for example) can buy my plate toons the pieces they are missing. Please fix this ASAP not only is it a limited time event but some of us already didn’t have enough time to gear all our toons anyway and are just making the best of a bad situation at this point….


Update! I just tried it on my warrior. Took her to the echo event and got her through one of the smaller ones once she had the currency the button appeared to transfer and it worked!
I can only speak for the echos (not other currencies!) but that legit just worked for me was able to transfer and move it again


I was just able to transfer 7th Legion medals from BFA.

I’m able to transfer currency! Finally! Now I’ll be ready for TWW. wooooo