Warband Currency Transfer Temporarily Disabled -- August 14

Idea, if you are disabling currency transfer, can you increase residual memories?


Also, Blizzard could have NOT disabled the system they created that has been working for a couple of weeks now. This is a time-gated event and some need all the time they can spare to gear alts. Being unable to transfer extra/unused memories from other characters is pretty much required before the event ends and we are unable to use the currency anymore.


Please consider making all currencies account bound.


I boosted a priest last night to play with my friends that just started/returned to wow for pvp. Spent $80 CAD to not even be able to play the character? battleground queues at 10min+ as a healer, and it’s like 7-8 hours of basically doing nothing in battlegrounds to get full gear. absolute joke. add back BoA honor at the vendor if you are going to disable this trash system.

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STILL not fixed…

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damn i’d really like to gear my alts with pvp gear so i am not completely useless, since thats how that works. things aint how they used to be.

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Hope they fix it soon, I was busy gearing up all my alts quickly with this event.


Thank you for looking into this. Glad there is a work around. Looking forward to a speedy fix!

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You need to make it so that any character can access a warbound currency. Right now if you have 0 of a currency you are unable to transfer fund until you get atleast 1 of the currency.


Oh, I know you can. That was why I said the process was taking longer. Especially since I have over 50 level 70’s and I really don’t want to be sending things around in the mail with many characters with similar names or the same name across 6 realms.

August 15, 2024 -

Attention: Blizzard WoW Team and Management

Re: Notice To Resolve Broken Bug Issues Since Last Month and Now Warband Currency Transfer issues!

Dear Blizzard WoW Team,

PLEASE Fix these damn bugs in WoW as soon as possible, Blizzard WoW Team and Management! This is unacceptable!!

Especially the bug issue NOT allowing us to withdraw our own Gold from our own Guild Bank accounts! This has remained unresolved for weeks, and it’s totally unacceptable! I have never seen WoW this broken before! This is NOT a FREE game! We pay for this game and it’s services and expect for the game to work, at least mostly, or if there are serious major bug issues like not being able to withdraw and use our own gold in the game, then Blizzard needs to fix these issues ASAP! OR START ISSUING REFUNDS TO ALL PLAYERS FOR YOUR SCREW UP AND NEGLECT THESE PAST 3 WEEKS that have prevented players from accessing, withdrawing and using our own Gold stuck in Guild Banks in Wow for almost a month now! This is awful and just wrong! This should NOT be happening in WoW!!

I been a Blizzard customer for over 20 years now and I never experienced anything like this with WoW, which is my favorite Blizzard game of all time. What the hell is going on with WoW and these awful, unacceptable bugs that remain unresolved and broken!?

Blizzard needs to do the right thing ASAP and fix these bug issues preventing us from withdrawing and using our own Gold in the game!

Get it together already, Blizzard! This is shameful and wrong for your company to take our money (Players Money) and fail to deliver a properly working game!

Your prompt attention and resolution to these bug issues are appreciated!

Thank you. - JJ -


Same here. I was so very confused and decided google was my friend before I started disabling addons.

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Was wondering what was going on. I hope they turn it back on before Radiant Echos finishes. I guess I’ll just have to farm on my lvling alt for now.


I just wanted to join the broken warlock fotm club and xfer some honor. guess i wont get to really experience it before you nerf em :confused:

I just log on to the character who needs gear, go to the vendor to check, make a note of which item(s) they need, log onto the character who has been doing the event, buy the item(s) needed, then mail them to the character who needs them. It works cross server / faction for the event gear.

You can, you just have to wait for the 2 hour refund window to expire… after 2 hours you can put it in the bank.

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Yeah, the currency I need is locked on a low-level character I decided to not level. Yay…

Can we get an update on this? Very annoying not to be able to move to the other Warband characters


Here is the rub though. If the currency is on a low level character, you can not purchase the gear. This is not good… not good at all.


Time” is not something everyone has endless currency in. “Time” has been spent doing the event. I do not have the time to re-earn something I already have. Redoing the same content is the OPPOSITE of the supposed WARBOUND idea.