Warband Currency Transfer Temporarily Disabled -- August 14

Maybe they will add a transfer TO button, have it go both ways.


I’m not surprised. I have some vague memory that yesterday the system allowed to transfer currencies to the same character.

Not sure if it was duping stuff or not, honestly I was just transferring some memories but I was like “err… wait a minute, did I just?”

how do you mail " Residual Memories"??? I can’t find the option

Can we transfer yet?

Nope, just checked.

Is this also related to an issue where characters that have not partaken in the Echoes event - or currently have no memories - are unable to partake in memory events, even though they can still collect them from mob kills?

Is cross-server trading disabled? I couldn’t trade with people I raid with tonight. the “trade” was greyed out, I was going to get a vantus rune, but I raid with people on a different server

Warbank still works.Buy it on the toon with the currency then get it on the toon that needs it. Still sucks if ya got less than 2000 on more than one toon tho, gotta go grind a bit more for now ;/

Hey - can we also talk about this PSA: War bank will still eat your items - #4 by Spirits-hellscream ?

The gear nub, not the currency :man_facepalming:

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This was a nice workaround - I can mail gear - it makes the gear non-refundable. Whats funy is that the warband bank still wont let me put it in after mailing because “its refundeble” Catch 22 right there haha

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I have found flying back out of the event then back in tends to reset that


C’monnnn man!

Please fix this soon. We have less than a week before the event leaves and some of us have a lot of alts to transfer currency to.


This is still not fixed…


Well you could just take those alts too the event and do it with them and get the RM and gear drops that way…nothing stopping you from that now.

Still not fixed. Is this going to be back online before the end of the Pre Patch event? I’ve got toons to gear and plenty of [Residual Memories] sitting unspent across my account. :rage:


There should be a drop down menu, top right, for you to select ‘all’ and it should show you every class. (Though, I hate doing it this way, I’d rather buy gear on the alt that needs it.)

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You absolutely can, if you turn off the equipment type filter.

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Just remembered that thanks lol. I’ll trash my post.

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