No one should have multiple accounts in the first place…
So your issue is stupid to begin with.
No one should have multiple accounts in the first place…
So your issue is stupid to begin with.
bro your issue is so niche no one cares get off the forums go complain or reedit or something
Why not?
I don’t have more than one account but what’s the harm in the people who do?
Why not …are you the Account Police…if blizzard allows it…you have no say in it at all…your not the account police…
Simultaneous multiple account scenarios is not something that Blizz is ever going to worry about supporting. Why would they? It’s definitely a niche that is mostly comprised of degeneracy/botting.
We’re using personal guilds to have the storage and to have access with all our characters…which is what the warbank sold itself as…and then they had to go and trash the entire thing buy making such a horrid gold sink of it that casual players arent ever gonna have the gold to get all the tabs…so much for guild bank like storage.
They trashed for most players so that its gonna be good for nothing more than not needing the mail box to transfer between characters…certain aint gonna be anywhere near as good as just setting up a guild bank.
Back when you still had to be in a raid group to enter raid instances even old ones I always maintained 2 accounts. Also it was nice being able to use a 2 person mount to fly new allts around to learn flight points.
I’m not saying it should be banned…
I’m just saying it’s an idiotic thing to do and the issue that OP has is extremely stupid and so specific to whales that it doesn’t apply to normal player.
Yet he criticizes it as if normal players give a crap.
Dude has no self awareness
The ONLY advantage this new warbank has over a guild bank…the ONLY advantage…is that any of your characters can use the mats in the WB like they would their mats bank.
Other than that, the WB is FAR worse than just usiing a guild bank SOLELY because of these Ionized gouger tab prices.
I was only gonna buy tab 1, but Ion did figure out the ONE thing that would get me to buy a couple of them…three actually…and that was making it so any character can draw from the mats to craft with like they do from their personal bank account.
That made it so I can consolidate all my crafting mats into the warbank and dont have to spread them out among 50 characters like I had been.
BUT…Im still keeping 90% of those mats in the guild bank because…lmao…IM NOT paying 500k for the next tab…let alone milllions.
LMAO…blizzard allows EIGHT WoW accounts per Bnet…and THIS joker calls that ‘degeneracy’
if you feel that way son…then call Ion what youre thinking, not players who are just following the games rules.
LMAO…i think a few of you need to take your complaints to Blizzard who ALLOWS EIGHT WoW accounts PER Bnet, lmao.
LAUGHABLE that you all attack PLAYERS for literally doing what the company allows
Warband Bank can use some UI improvements and perhaps it is overpriced. However, it is a great unique QoL improvement.
I definitely would not call it “really bad”.
Do you agree with the existence of tokens? Do you buy them? There are lots of players who think that buying tokens is an idiotic thing to do that should not exist. There are lots of players who think that using tokens to get gold that is used to buy carries is degenerate behavior.
There’s a fair number of players out there who still think that using flying mounts is a degenerate behavior that should not exist.
If everything that some segment of the playerbase considered to be an “idiotic” way to play that should not exist was removed, the game would be much, much smaller. People who enjoy the QOL improvements you probably think should be banned would quit.
People like options. You are opposed to options and think everybody should be forced to play like you do.
easy fix for this. DO NOT USE IT. Problem solved.
I really hoped we would see more Soulbound stuff changed to Warband-bound. I have tons of little non-gear things like gears for the order hall/garrison/etc games, consumables, and flavor text items I really hoped I could put all in the bank.
LMAO…NO son.the PROBLEM of it
literally ISNT solved by not using it.
welcome to the ignore list for your time wasting joke of a response lmao
My major disappointment is I thought there was going to be newer tech involved with this so the delay between clicking from bank to bags or bags to bank wouldn’t be so laggy. I thought it would be smart enough to put the item in the tab you have open instead of the first available slot in the first tab that was open, among other things. Mostly, I thought the tabs would have more slots each, and obviously the gold for the last 3 are absurd.
Other than all that, yea, super happy with it. >_<
It’s not a problem… except for maybe the last tab.
ignored persons posting at me doesnt alter FACT, sorry to say…
You being able to afford it does not mean it is not a problem. If you attach a pricetag to a thing that doesn’t even make sense for the “rich” who can afford it, it is a problem.
If you have alternatives for a far better price, it is a problem in the price design itself.