Warband Bank is honestly really bad

“Less than 0.1% of players can’t properly use the bank, they should have made the other 99.9% of players wait until they made it possible even though it’s entirely possible it isn’t possible.”

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As a new feature in the new X-pack that has no player power it cost way to much gold for tabs. A new or a returning player is going to say screw it im now going to spend gold on that. And returning players are going to say same old blizz. Who ever thought the tabs should cost that much gold for a feature need their head checked.

I feel like the tabs are too small.

I filled my first tab up with basically one or two bags of crafting stuff, and was completely underwhelmed by it.

Well, then don’t use them if you don’t want them (in your words) ramming down your throat.

And waiting til they fix reps…That’s rich.

Name checks out.

i could move a scarlet tabard i got on a cloth wearer on my old server to my paladin, thus being able to unlock the set the next time darkmoon faire is available?


For the vast majority of the player base, you can safely just ignore the final tab as it is really just a flex. For a little over 500k you are basically getting your own guild bank. Not that bad of a deal really.

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The warband bank is great so far. I just wish the tabs weren’t so expensive.

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Havent even done the quest yet feels pointless to me.

I’m honestly not even sure what to use the bank for.

I’ll dump tier tokens from old raids in there but I have no way to know if an alt have that tier transmog without looking up the tier token item on wowhead to remember which raid it came from and then looking up the tier set on my appearance tab. Which is doable but a pain compared to the transmogs text on items (this might be an addon I’m not sure).

I’ll dump warbound gear I get on my characters in there too unless I just mail it to the character I want to use it on. I have a few characters I tend to level first dk, warrior, monk, and paladin.

Other than a dumping ground for warbound gear and old tier tokens it seems pointless. And these uses aren’t very important to me.

However, the philosophy and technology of transferring items and currencies between my characters is very important to me. So while the warbank is meh, how it came about is amazing.

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At a minimum, it’s more storage space you didn’t have access to before.

Even if you only use it for one toon, it’s just extra space. You don’t have to buy every tab.

Except now gold/item transfer to toons is easier and honestly if you want you can stockpile consumables in there for all your toons to use. Beginning of a play session, open up your portal and grab what you need.

It’s a fine addition. Yeah that last tab is priced insanely high, but I can’t think of a reason I need it and I have 20(ish) characters and have played off and on since vanilla.

You get a guild bank with 6 tabs for less than 9400 gold, so no it is neither you very own guild bank, nor “not that bad of a deal”.

Me too. I purchased three tabs, and may go higher, but it isn’t mandatory. I also have to many guild banks fillednwith junk.

This is a great feature as is. Plus they likento add gold sinks that are not mandatory.

I treat it like Account-Wide, if the character didin’t earn it, it doesn’t exist.


For a little over 500k you’re basically getting something that costs a fraction of that? And it’s “not that bad of a deal”??

You’re welcome. :smiley:

So you don’t want mobile access to the Warbank. :rofl:

People who promote guild banks forget that people who are in guilds can’t use that feature as a personal bank.

Which means if I’m storing stuff on my bank alt’s guild bank, I have to log out on my crafter, log into my bank alt, grab the stuff I need, mail it, and log back into my crafter.

Or . . . I can just use the war bank.


give it to the wow community to have the weirdest issues with the game . dude just use it like a normal person


My moonguard bank alt uses it because she’s in Duskwood because I swear to god I’ll level her some day . . .