(war within spoilers) R.I.P : (

They looked at Dragonball (Z onward) and figured “it’s working for them, let’s do it too.”

Now all we need is someone with Hakai - the ability to erase someone to the point they don’t even go to the Arbiter, they’re just gone.

Can we kill Thrall next? Oh yeah, and Gamon.

You can have Thrall, and Baine (free bonus), but Gamon is a national treasure.

Sorry not sorry you can’t have him.


If i can’t have Gamon then i am taking the leader of the Goblins in his place.

Well ok but you have to find him first.

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Seems easy enough, just dangle some gold around and the little leprechaun should come running.

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Finally a non Horde character who bites the bucket. Lets celebrate.

:beers: :wine_glass: :cheese: :cake: :cupcake: :pizza: :hamburger:

Wooo party the old mage is going down. “Cable guy, Going down, down, down”

Not give a rats you know what til I torch another tree

Go ahead the new one is ugly anyways and it was gotten from the Shadowlands.

What are you smoking mate Amidrassil looks so much better then Teldrassil.

So you are okay with the fact, that The Winter Queen, gave us the seed to grow that overgrown bush?

It is a gift from the Shadowlands meaning it is actually blessed by an entitity that is far above the dragons on the cosmic chart.

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Meh i say we torch it. LFG need fire mages to help torch the new world tree.

They had a good run. Blizzard likes to throw away characters we like and replace them with characters we don’t care about and aren’t nearly as interesting… interesting choice that no rational person would make.

If Dad’gar does end up dying, I’ll bet he’ll say something really cool and heroic in his final moments. Something like:

“See you next fall!”

drops Dalaran on enemy commander

The Horde lost characters since TBC now a single human dies and you all act crazy. You wouldn’t be able to take 10% of the Horde story without throwing a hiss fit and insta quit because of this.

That’s okay, I don’t play horde.

so you admit the alliance has the privilige of their leaders never to be killed?

Sure, I don’t care lol. I want to hear Khad’gar say something funny again.