(war within spoilers) R.I.P : (

Hopefully all of them.

The caliber of his one liners throughout his history shows he favored stam over intellect

But what happens if they die while they’re in the Shadowlands?

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guess this means a trip to the toy store to make sure I have everything. also should check a few of the other vendors, like the baby powder one, the pets, mounts, etc,etc. In all the versions of Dal.

Dalaran when the walls fell.

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Isn’t he the guy that said “I hope you’re enjoying the party!” while I was bussing tables after saving the world? Forget that guy!

well theres a chance that the nerubians may have captured him

they become hearthstone cards

world of warcraft: the woke within


Old dude: Check
Not a writers favorite puppet like the others: check
hes well liked by players: check

yep im not surprised hes getting gutted. bad decision.


lol WoW is the Marvel Cinematic Universe, no one ever dies. Literally fake tension

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So no more dad jokes? :c

But of all the characters that could die, I think he’s the best choice.

And in a way, I like that. With the fall of the city and his death, we’ll have a drastic change in the feeling of the story to something more tense, which in my opinion, is a good and necessary thing.

Hopefully all the High Elves die with it, then no more High Elf posts!!

Woohoo! :partying_face:

If only it was Turalyon instead :frowning:

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My guess is they do a “going down with the ship” type scene as dalaran crashes. He stays behind to try to control the descent or something to save lives and in the end, he remains behind and dies.

he’s not confirmed such yet…just missing or hurt. Kinda hard to kill that old man

Khadgar is like Gandalf so he could die but then he’ll be right back in different coloured clothes.

He’s still a young dwarf.

I could have sworn that it was mentioned during BFA or before that it was slowly falling. If its true then im not completely surprised unless it was someting else.

Also feel like its speculation and not true about a certain character

I am kind of curious what it will be like in The Last Titan if they do plan on bringing back

I really don’t want this to happen.

If it’s done for shock value, the shock looses value when there’s several ways characters really don’t die. But him missing could be interesting if it leads to Medivh or Medivh’s OP kid finally appearing in game.

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After that expansion, death doesn’t mean a thing anymore. Unless they do that 35 anima disrespect or use their souls as tree fertilizer, they are freely available. We even have portals going straight there.

From Shadowlands onward, it’s going to be “so and so has died, anyway…”

Have to admit I’ll be a little disappointed if they kill off Dadgar :frowning_face: :popcorn: