Can’t cause she has blizzard plot armor.
Only time women characters die is if they’re evil like Lady Ashvane/Koroleth or they get an ok pass like Queen Aszhara/Sylvanas
Can’t cause she has blizzard plot armor.
Only time women characters die is if they’re evil like Lady Ashvane/Koroleth or they get an ok pass like Queen Aszhara/Sylvanas
Imagine if Suramar is the new hub of magedom for the next 20 years (with a quarter set aside for Alliance guests).
That’s so pre DF. Now when women characters are evil, they turn good. The dudes stay evil. Hey I just summed up the whole DF expansion.
Some action again, huh.
I hope they don’t mess this up again.
By bringing either Dalaran or Khadgar back? Sure hope not.
Maybe he’ll join the council and help Calia open the way for a lightforged-esque undead race, what with the way writing has gone these days. (Just to clarify: I don’t want this at all. I do want Khadgar to live, but I’ll take dead!Khadgar over Calia-like undead).
it says this
It’s not a big leap to assume Dalaran is attacked by Xal’atath and her nerubians, and that despite our best efforts, we lose the fight. And, we’re not saying he dies, but Khadgar has not appeared on the War Within alpha yet.
kill thrall and jaina and everyone else if ur gonna try and start fresh w/ new ppl. theyve been here since the beginning but u refuse to kill them off wtf let other ppl get some screen time.
Incorrect. Every weapon is a hunter weapon.
I’m not mad it happened. I’m just mad I got it spoiled by a T&E thumbnail and video title. If this was going to leak because of the alpha, why not make it the cinematic trailer instead of Thall playing therapist for Anduin?
I don’t think It’s anything blizzard is trying to hide, since ion and holly have talked about it openly. they want people to know.
okay but he hasnt been relevant since legion
Uh. Varian? Who got exploded, soul included? And we’ve had nothing other than brief memories / echoes of him pop up? lol
There is a pile of ash somewhere we just need to rehydrate, he’s still got time.
Yeah Arthas and Garrosh are pretty screwed.
Oh yeah, good point. Forgot about him.
I hope so. He was one of the most annoying characters
Xal’atath is a sentient Void entity that was once bound within the Blade of the Black Empire
War is coming. Enemy commanders must decide who to strike first. Now idk if Dalaran and The Guardian are high on the list…but throwing the Kirin Tor into disarray wouldn’t hurt. This entity parading around in an elf body should be more worried about the aspects regaining their power. Along with Tyr on the sidelines.
I’m excited to see what both football teams put on the field as their starters.
That’s just speculation at this point.
The really important question is; what happened to the Rogues in the Rogues guild hall?!!
Khadgars VA is kinda getting old though
A massive rip indeed.
If only it could’ve been Dazar’alor or the WoD captials that got the torch instead of the best city in the game.
I know right?
It’s about time that she faces consequences for the Purge Of Dalaran.
which Dalaran is getting exploded?
there’s several to choose from