It’s tradition at this point to nerf frost DK as soon as possible whenever a new expansion launches.
Sad woof.
If you wanted to numerically nerf Arcane, Spellfire Spheres and Mana Cascade are right there and perfect options.
Don’t nerf the fun. Sunfury is perfection of the Hero Talent System. Nerf the numbers that are too high.
PS1 Hagrid.
Also as an aside for your other dead spec.
Remember when you fixed the bug for Excess Fire that was also buffing Living Bomb for fire by 100%, so you nerfed by 90% before fixing the bug, and now that it is fixed it does less damage than me blowing on my monitor.
A 30% buff today changes the spellpower coefficent from 0.15% to 0.19%.
90% nerf → 30% buff = 87% nerf and a still completely worthless side of the tree.
Don’t worry they didn’t nerf your pvp rotation of moonfire and starfall lol 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2
The duality of man
support woof
Brutal Arcane changes, stop messing with our rotation.
Very strange to see a change in ret’s mastery scaling. Ret needs single target buffs, why on earth is anything being nerfed? Our only saving grace is mass aoe, which we’re not the best at. So it’s not like we’re making a huge trade-off of single target damage for mind-blowing aoe damage. Just very strange Blizz, this is one of those times I’d be interested to see one of your developer’s notes.
Thanks, but you shouldn’t be making assumptions about people you don’t know.
Hey guys, this is not the way to nerf arcane - please do so numerically. This is literally nerfing a playstyle you said you were okay with leaving previously. It feels like the rug has been pulled out from under us and it’s not okay.
Please numerically nerf arcane instead of ruining the very fun TWW rotation!
Would heavily prefer the spec be middle of the pack or even bad as opposed to not fun! Thank you.
Also frostfire mage is still unplayably bugged. Very dissapointed.
once again the hate for Frost Dk is real, we finally were in a fun spot and all you’ve been doing is reduce reduce reduce.
Undo the double dip change, arcane was really vibing rotationally just tune some numbers pls
As others have said, please revert the burden of power double dip change, it was fun playstyle and can be nerfed in plenty of other ways.
Please nerf arcanes numbers instead of gutting the most fun and dynamic part of our rotation
Absolutely terrible change to arcane mage. Just needed an aura nerf. Unreal
Please consider reverting the Burden of Power change. You could instead look at nerfing other nerf other parts to the hero talents or aura changes instead.
This nerf is possibly one of the worst ways you could have gone about changing the spec as it destroyed not only the rotation of the build but also countless hours of community members who spent their time, effort and skill to from those members who have now wasted their time coding and writing guides based on the premise of this talent working as it did in beta.
Spell queueing exists for all mage specs (including another example of it in arcane) and other classes in the game. We had this issue in the beta, where you teeter-tottered back and forth on spell queueing and decided we were allowed to have it. But now we can’t? Why?
Many dozens of hours of theorycrafting from the community members that do this for free are now wasted because of this change. Hundreds of hours put in to writing Simcraft APL’s and guides based around how we thought arcane was going to be played. And thousands more hours of players practicing their rotations in-game and learning these established rotations.
Arcane mage changes remove double dip from one ability but not another. The removal for either is anti-fun. Please revert this change and do a numbers nerf instead.
Double dipping its so Fun, revert this change and nerf other things, no reason for change this at this point…