War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

Disappointing to see the same mistake with NP repeated again with Burden. Just nerf the % increase from Burden and leave the double dipping gameplay loop in like you did previously. Why the mixed messages with the balancing team??


Why nerf the fun out of arcane? I don’t Understand. Tune it fine, but you’re making the spec feel worse with this.


Pack Leader is still awful. No tuning will ever make people choose it over Sentinel in most situations. It also feels lame having a builder be the focal point as on Survival.

Sunfury nerfs are definitely warranted. Sunfury enjoyable rotational changes? Not so much. Blizzard, we went through this with Nether Precision in beta. Please tread more carefully, revert the change, and nerf appropriately.


If you’re going to keep using Mage as target practice, can we just get a free class change to something else?


why are we ruining arcane mage rotation again. ffs jsut nerf the damage leave the game play this is an aweful change


Balance druid rework? trying to shift a little of our damage from our builders to our spenders still does not put us where we should be imo.


It is absolutely obnoxious to me that you guys keep trying to make gameplay changes to sunfury arcane that everyone universally hates. Nerf damage #'s if you need to tune things, changing the rotation with a week to go til raid launches throws everyone who put time into this class way off. Game designers JUST did an interview where they specifically said they don’t want to make design changes that “waste players time,” well stick to your own words then. This change has wasted the time of every sunfury arcane player who spent time learning a rotation and gearing the character.


Mage tears are amazing good job Blizzard


You’re just cringe for supporting stupid changes


…yay more dk nerfs. And here I thought the pre patch nerfs were meant to balance the hero talents. Guess not lol.

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In general, I think it was a mistake to tune before we have even one week of hitting mobs that don’t die instantly, completely skewing numbers.

For mages, you would have had a lot less frustration from the community if number nerfs happened after we had a chance to properly play them on mobs with some hp.

Also for mages, do not release a patch note literally weeks after a revert without explaining your justification for yet again messing with spell queueing ESPECIALLY when you create a double standard between nether precision and burden.


mages crying = big win for me. lol


Cause stupidity.

Warlock here on behalf of my mage brethren.

Don’t change rotations this close to Mythic raid. I thought we learned from the Nether Precision fiasco two weeks ago??? Change damage, not rotation. use some of your built in tuning knobs (Mana cascade, phoenix damage, burden % would be better!)


Sunfury Arcane needs less monstrous numbers but please dont make me relearn the rotation, im begging you man. Double dip interactions are really common on this class and even a few others, please work more to fix the math rather than changing how this spec plays and forcing everyone to learn a new rotation!


Arcane Sunfury Comment: Why why why are you changing the rotation after TWW launch?? This makes no sense at all. You already received massive feedback from the community the last time you removed double dipping. The double dip is the ENTIRE point of the rotation and what makes the spec fun. If you feel you need to tune the spec, tune it! But don’t ruin the rotation!! Revert this change!


This tuning pass is VERY misled. Why does Blizzard take all this time to build an awesome gameplay loop, then gut it? Literally double dipping is a fun mechanic and engaging. . You know this because of the outcry with NP… but now you give BoP the same nerf?? Why nerf gameplay/rotation fun??

Arcane Soul is probably the most fun I’ve had in recent years, second only to Aether Attunement… 3s was perfect… 2s is LAUGHABLE.

Blizz should just tune mana cascade or do a flat sunfury nerf instead of gutting gameplay. Insane.


Regarding the Mage changes, it feels a little off coming from the NP changes during beta. I assumed we were past the Spell Queue discussion and furthermore it feels quite bad to see a Dev confirm that “No rotational changes are happening at this point, just numbers tuning” then see this come for Mage.

I don’t think anyone, especially in the Mage community can say we don’t deserve some numbers tuning, but to make a small adjustment to Phoenix damage then come back with another Spell Queue bad change to Burden which by the way, impacts the spec and playstyle more than anything and also diminishes the hard work the Mage TC’s have put into the expansion through APL writing, etc.

My ask, and I think I echo the greater majority of people who WERE excited to play Arcane, please review this change, revert the double dip change on burden and do what should have been done all along, -#% Aura Nerf across the board. This preserves the rotation(s) we have all been working hard on learning and also doesn’t spit in the face of the TC community and negate all of their hard work.


Umm Brewmaster does no damage in PvP, and everyone on my team complains when I join a BG as Brewmaster because ‘we’re useless’ but they nerfed an ability for them in PvP? Can someone explain why?