War Within Class Tuning Incoming – September 3

Yo, why are we out here changing how Arcane plays? It’s very fun and we’ve spent so much time learning how to play it. We get you feel you need to nerf it, but just do numbers, stop rewriting how the spec will play please.

The double-dip change needs to be reverted. The arcane soul nerf also hurts fire in a very unfun way.

Please reconsider these changes.


Personally I think they need to make ae good again, feels bad not using it in aoe

Most pulls this expansion aren’t going to be huge honestly

Reasonable thought for sure - its tricky because of Aether Attunement and Blast/barrage passives. Not sure what they should do exactly

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Love seeing mages get nerfed :heart_eyes:


its not the trinkets fault that people have that mentality.

" * Warlock

  • Destruction
    • All ability damage increased by 5%."

A step in the right direction for sure, but Destro needs a lot more help then just a flat out 5% buff to all abilities. When the Rain of Fire nerfs happened our shard generation was also gutted. 5% damage doesn’t solve the fact that Destruction and Diabolist feels very slow and is going to be far behind the other two specs in M+ and in Raid. Hellcaller, while in a bit better state, is still going to be far behind Aff/Demo.


Seriously? We already went over this, and you agreed not to mess with double dipping. A damage nerf is one thing, but changing how we play just two weeks into the expansion is not cool. We’ve put time into learning the spec changes. Fix the numbers, but leave our rotation alone!


This is actually such an awful change. Why fundamentally change the way arcane’s rotation works post-launch when you can just tune the damage numbers. Hopefully this gets reverted as soon as possible.


People would probably be mad because it’s a melee range spell basically, but it’s so iconic!

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There isn’t a single mage that didn’t agree that SF Arcane needed nerfs. The issue is ‘how’ they did it was primarily a nerf to gameplay/fun.


Definitely not the right approach to nerf Arcane. Seems like Blizzard does not even understand their game. Double dipping burden was so FUN and made the spec very enjoyable. Do not nerf the game play, but work on the tuning. Dont understand why blizzard hates fun and wants us to be miserable playing their game.


Honestly I’ve always hatred ae. It is not fun mashing a single button that also forces you to be melee.

Totally agree, feels cool to push

Ooh more power for the destruction spec. Thank you blizzard you are a most humble giver of power to please those of the fel and shadow.

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Puts a smile on your face? :+1: :grinning:

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Yes it was are you high?

Where are the demon hunter bug fixes tho

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Umm. Blizzard what where you thinking with this arcane change?

Arcane Absolutely needed nerfs, and there are lots of tuning dials inbuilt that could easily be adjusted (auras). Or even making certain buffs take longer to get etc. The current changes make the gameplay WAY less fun. This is bad design.


Hi, remember less than a month ago where we had this same exact reaction when you removed 'double dipping" as an interaction instead of adjusting the numbers. Same thing again. Stop targeting fun game play, nerf the numbers not the rotation. Removing the spell queue interactions and nerfing Arcane Soul duration is not a solution for the overperformance arcane is exhibiting, it’s lazy development that nerfs the fun of the spec more than the actual numbers.

This is just a spit in the face to the members of your community who spend dozens of hours each patch researching, simulating, and writing guides so that your player base can play their classes optimally- because that is the desire of a huge portion of your consumers. The vast majority of whom, myself included, do it for free out of our love for the game and the class.

Tldr, numbers not playstyle, massively disappointed. PS1 Hagrid.
